"Home Spa Lady Tips" Ezine Collection

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How You FEEL After Your MEAL / Issue #135 - June 25, 2008

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 135 - June 25, 2008
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady (TM)

Circulation: 3138

Home Spa Lady ~ Simple Solutions for Self-Care At Home

In This Issue

1. How You FEEL After Your MEAL

2. Essential Oil Tip: Prevent the Bloating Belly
(video: 59 seconds)

3. Success Tip: Carol Buchner

4. Recipe of the Week: Baked Acorn Squash with Polenta

5. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

6. The "Green Tea with Marilee" Show

7. Bonus Video: Essential Oil Roll-Ons
(video: 53 seconds)

8. Compliments of Home Spa Lady
F'ree 7 Day Mini Video E-Course
on "How To Use Essential Oils"

9. Newsletter Format. . .again!

1. How You FEEL After Your MEAL

Bloated? Spacey? Gassy? Congested?


Energized, Charged, Positive, and Clear?

Our digestive system affects our entire
body and our life...because it affects
the way we think!

(for you Energy buffs out there. . .remember
the 3rd chakra is the "mental" chakra. . .and
it's connected with the stomach
and other upper abdominal organs)

Do you agree that we create our reality
based on how we think and view things?

That is how "The Secret" works, right?

When we feel less than optimal from crappy
food and digestive disorders, we are creating
a less than optimal life. . .

. . .it's plain and simple.

The foods we eat, AND what our body does with it,
truly can affect our reality!

(Sorry to disappoint you fans of "The Secret"
who thought you could eat junk and have digestive
upset and still have the "Law of Attraction" work
for you!)

(hmmm. . . I may take this concept and create
"The Secret Diet"!)

(. . . don't you dare steal my idea!)

Okay, I am speaking/writing here as a health food junkie,
a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist (formerly in practice),
a Holistic Nurse, and a FIRM BELIEVER in digestive enzymes!

On the Soap Box:

"Even if you think your digestion is okay, it is
highly likely that you still need some help.

We have an "enzyme bank" that runs out as we
get older (thus the reason old folks need prunes).

But this isn't just an old folk issue.

Important enzymes are often missing in children -
particularly "amylase".

Gary Young spoke about this last week.

He said that a main cause of allergies in children
is related to the lack of enzymes, particularly
"amylase" - it is so important for children to
take digestive enzymes.

Off the Soap Box:

Here is the deal:

--I share this information with you

--I don't want you to take my word for it

--I want you to find out for yourself

--If you have the gassy-ness, bloating, etc
try these tips (below) and see for yourself

I always say "the proof is in the pudding"!

(make sure you take your digestive enzymes with
that pudding!)

Some people may say if you are eating correctly you
may not need enzymes. And some people say otherwise.

All of this nutrition stuff may get so confusing, so
what should you do?

Do what I do!

Go by what feels right in your body.

This "self-care" stuff is a real journey in getting
to "know thyself"!

Here are some tips that can help your digestive process
and help to keep your mind clear. . .

--First and foremost - eat healthy whole foods in balanced

--Added fiber if needed (soluble and insoluble)

--Cultured foods (as many as you can get in your diet)

--Digestive enzymes at every meal

--Probiotic on an empty stomach at least once a day

--Lots of water

--Exercise - it helps move your lymph and colon!

(btw - did you know Tony Robbins emphasizes colon
cleansing for having a clear mind and empowering

Do you like to learn about the importance of digestion
in your health? Want to learn more?
Send me an email and let me know. . .I'm happy to
share this info - it is one of my favorite topics!

Here are my YL product recommendations:

--Life 5 Probiotics

--Cleansing Trio (if one needs to do a cleanse)

--ICP (fiber product)

--Digest & Cleanse softgels

Digestive enzymes:

--Essentialzyme (basic digestive enzyme)

--MightyZyme (kids chewable digestive enzymes)

--Carbozyme (good for breaking down carbs)

--Lipozyme (good for helping liver deal with fat)

--Polyzyme (good for breaking down protein)

--Detoxzyme (good for breaking down toxins)

Essential Oils: (topically or internally in empty gel cap)





*Please see the Essential Desk Reference for details on these
products at www.essentialscience.net

To order these products contact your Young Living distributor or
go to: http://tinyurl.com/aenfp

2. Essential Oil Tip: Prevent the Bloating Belly

Digestive enzymes are the way to go to prevent
the belly bloating - especially after eating!

Here are some of the suggestions that I made:

For more info or to order any of these Young Living
products see your Young Living Distributor or go to

3. Success Tip: Carol Buchner

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how
you make them feel.

- Carol Buchner

4. Recipe of the Week: Baked Acorn Squash with Polenta

This is a great light dish for summer.

--2 medium acorn squash, halved, seeds removed

--1 Tablespoon Safflower Oil, for oiling the squash and pan

--1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil, for sautéing vegetables

--1/4 cup onion, minced

--2 cloves garlic, minced

--1/4 cup celery, minced

--2 cups water

--1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt

--1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

--1 cup organic polenta

--1/4 teaspoon dried sage

--1 pinch dried thyme

--1 pinch dried rosemary

--1/3 cup sunflower seeds, dry pan roasted

--1/4 cup fresh parsley, minced

Preheat the oven to 350°.
Lightly oil the squash skin with safflower oil.
Lightly oil a baking pan.
Place the squash, cut side down, in the baking pan.
Bake for 30 minutes.

While the squash is baking, prepare the polenta stuffing.
Heat up the olive oil in a medium saucepan and sauté the onions
and garlic for 2 to 3 minutes.
Add the celery and sauté 2 minutes.
Add water, sea salt and pepper.
Bring to a boil.
Slowly whisk in the polenta, stirring constantly, and bring to a
Reduce the flame to medium-low and simmer for 20 minutes or until
Remove from the flame.
Pulse the sunflower seeds in a blender until coarsely ground.
Stir the sage, thyme and rosemary into the polenta.
Add extra pepper or sea salt if desired.

Remove the squash from the oven, and turn over so that the cut
side faces up.
Fill each squash half with equal amounts of polenta.
Sprinkle the ground sunflower seeds equally over the polenta.
Garnish with equal amounts of parsley.
Return to the oven and bake for another 15 to 20 minutes or until
the topping begins to brown slightly.
Remove and place on a serving platter.

5. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

Deepak Chopra and Elmer Fudd went on a camping trip.

As they lay down for the night, Elmer said, "Deepak, look up
into the sky and tell me what you see?"

Deepak replied, "I see millions of stars."

Elmer queried, "And what does that tell you?"

Deepak explained, "Astronomically, it tells me that there are
millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.

Theologically, it tells me that God is great, and we are small
and insignificant.

Meteorologically, it tells me that we will have a beautiful day
tomorrow. What does it tell you?"

Elmer responded, "Somebody stole our tent."

6. The "Green Tea with Marilee" Show

The place for natural health tips, product reviews,
and interview with experts in Alternative Medicine, Holistic
Nursing, Nutrition, Energy Healing, and Essential Oils.

Ask your most important question about natural health issues
and listen to the show for your answers!

Ask your question right now by going to:

7. >>>>>> BONUS VIDEO <<<<<

Essential Oil Roll Ons:

8. 7-Day Video Mini E-Course - F'REE

"How To Use Essential Oils"

Here is how you get it. . .

Send a blank email to this address:


You will get an email back asking you to "confirm your

Then you follow the easy prompts to receive this 7 Day video

Each day for seven days you will get an email with a quick
basic lesson on how to use the oils.

It's a mini-course so the videos are only about 2 - 3 minutes

Now, if that seems too complicated. . .just go back to
the Home Spa Lady website and re-sign up for the newsletter!
( http://www.HomeSpaLady.com )

(Don't worry, you won't get two every week).

This is a start of a bonus for each and every subscriber of the
"Home Spa Lady Tips of the Week"!

9. Newsletter Format

Hmmmmmmm. . . .I'm back on this again!

I am going to be combining this newsletter with my
Green Tea with Marilee site!

If you want to share any of your thoughts on this:


Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:


July 14, 2008

The "Green Tea with Marilee" Show

"Write Your Own Book"

Join me as I interview Self Publishing Guru
Dan Poynter and learn how you can get started
writing your own book and publishing it!



Interested in Kick Starting Your Practice?

Great for holistically oriented health care
professionals with a practice!

Look at the 99 testimonials on this page -
you are all so beautiful!



PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Home Spa
Lady's Tips of the Week" in your own print or electronic
newsletter, but please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week," a free
on how to Make Every Day A Spa Day. Subscribe at

Marilee Tolen RN
a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)