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Home Spa Lady's Tips Issue # 43 E-Coli Solution/ Your Online Appearance/Omega-3's Save Lives/How To Eat a Pomegranate

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 43 - September 20, 2006
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady
Circulation: 806
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who isinterested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty basedon principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personalempowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxificationof the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. The E-coli Solution: Nature Takes Care of Nature
2. How Is Your Online Appearance?
3. Omega-3s Save Lives More Than Surgical Implants
4. How To Eat A Pomegranate
4. Essential Oil Tip: Cinnamon & Oregano for E.coli
5. Success Tip: Mark Twain
6. Recipe of the Week:Rice Pilaf w/Pomegranate, Pine Nuts & Chard
7. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week
1. The E-coli Solution: Nature Takes Care of Nature
Besides offering its gifts of food, energy, oxygen, and beauty,the plant kingdom has another powerful purpose. It has a strongdesire and makes every effort to create harmony and balance.Essential oils are the concentrated life force and intelligenceof the plant kingdom. They are extremely healing to theirenvironment, whether its the human body or the kitchen sink (thisinformation is related only to therapeutic grade oils and notperfume grade).When these oils identify organisms or microbes that might beupsetting the ecological terrain, they do their good work tofight against these "pathogenic" organisms. They get rid of the"bad bugs" - but leave the good guys (good bacteria isimportant). They want only harmony and balance. Many therapeuticessential oils fight against harmful bacteria, viruses, andfungus.With the current news about the outbreak of e-coli in produce, Idove into the archives and pulled out information on e-coli andwhat essential oils can help fight against it.The piece below was posted 9 years ago on Jim Lynn's egroup(thank you Jim!). It is worth re-posting here for you to read:Weber State University, sponsored by Young Living Essential Oils,Inc. , to research Essential Oils, has recently published it'sAnnual Research Report. The mission of the work is to identifywhich oils, and/or combination of oils are effective againstdisease-causing microorganisms.The study also compared the effectiveness of two often usedantibiotics, Penicillin and Ampicillin, with 4 essential oils(two single oils and two blends) against 2 bacteria with knownhigh morbidity rates, Escherichia coli (E-Coli) andStaphylococcus aureus.

The four essential oils are Cinnamon,Oregano, Immupower and Purification.The results clearly show all 4 oils superior to both Penicillinand Ampicillin in their ability to kill the microorganisms. Inthe case of Penicillin, lysis (disintegration) of E-Coli did notoccur. Apparently this generation of bacteria strain is totallyresistant to Penicillin. Interestingly, the kill rate withessential oils went up dramatically as more of the oil was added.This same effect, however, did not occur when more of theantibiotics were added.With National attention focused on E-Coli bacteria outbreaks, wewant to share a portion of another Weber State Study with youthat deal with this killer. To understand the numbers next toeach oil below, it is necessary to know something of how thestudy was conducted.A small piece of paper infiltrated with essential oil was placedin a petri dish infected with Escherichia coli. After a period ofincubation, examination revealed a dark shadow around the paperindicating Lysis (disintegration) of the E-Coli. The diameter orsize of the dark circle is demonstrative of the kill ratio andreferred to as the "Zone of Inhibition" (Through replication,researchers know that E-Coli cannot grow in this zone).Measured in millimeters (mm), the Zone of Inhibition was notedfor each of 67 different oils tested.
There were nine oils that'sZone of Inhibition measured 25 mm or larger, meaning these oilsare most effective against E-Coli.
They are:
--Rosewood 40 mm-
-Cinnamon Bark 32 mm
--Peppermint 30 mm
--Thyme 30 mm
--Ravensara 30 mm
--Oregano 30 mm
--Mtn. Savory 30 mm
--Lavender 25 mm
By mixing Peppermint and Rosewood with a ratio of 1 partPeppermint to 8 parts Rosewood, researchers discovered the Zoneof Inhibition for E-Coli increased to 50 mm.This is wonderful news as one begins to speculate how commercemight employ these oils to insure the safety of our food supply.One in particular, Peppermint oil, caught our attention. Alreadyin use as a food additive, health conscious consumers mayconsider spraying countertops, sinks, fruits and vegetables withPeppermint oil diluted in water, as a safeguard against thepossibility of E-Coli infected food.The Weber State study is important because it confirms thatessential oils play a vital role in the health and well-being ofmankind.Essential Oils - Sept. 1997Published by LynnGroup Int'lIf you are interested in getting the highest quality therapeuticessential oils that you can take internally contact your YoungLiving distributor or by go to http://tinyurl.com/aenfp

2. How Is Your Online Appearance?
And I don't mean your picture, I mean your online "image".

It's actually quite important. Think about this: you probablyspend a fair amount of time and money on your image, bothprofessionally and personally - most people do. Your wardrobe,your makeup, the car you drive, the home you live - all of thesecontribute to your image.And then you get on the computer - you're communicating withcolleagues, old friends from high school or college, some familymembers you haven't seen in eons, clients, students, patients,and you're making new contacts too.You forward an email that you think your group of contacts wouldlike - maybe its the 105th Tibetan Incantation written by the14th Dalia Lama's second cousin that's gone around the world 3333times - and all of the email addresses of everyone who ever readthis was in the body of the email.
The subject line is full of"Fw:"s. Then you have to scroll down for a few miles throughemail gobbledygook before you get to the real message.Can you relate? Do you do this? (I really don't want to know).What do you think when you receive these types of emails?If I see one "Fw:" in the subject line of an email I don't evenopen it.What we're talking about here is called "Netiquette". I know thismight sound snobby or arrogant, but I happen to think that"internet etiquette" goes beyond formality and politeness. Ithink its really about not being annoying, and not looking likeyou don't know anything.If you are conducting any professional business online, or tryingto, or if you just want a nice clean image online (because thatis how people "see" each other these days) then it's imperativethat you know how to present yourself.Enter the "World of Internet Marketing".Internet marketing isn't just about selling something online,it's about building a good solid and favorable reputation with agroup of people who want what you have. It might be education, aproduct, pieces of art or music, or just the essence of who youare (like sharing yourself in a "blog"). And its about gettingthe information of what you have out there to thousands of peoplewho want what you have, but they just don't know it yet.Internet Marketing is a fascinating course of study, and isbecoming a way of business and life for thousands of people. Thefuture of Internet Marketing is only promising - for any topicimaginable. And the really exciting piece is that itis possible to make an income online in your area of expertise.Want to learn how this might fit into your life?
Go to: http://tinyurl.com/mg36z

3. Omega-3s Save Lives More Than Surgical Implants
This information is based on an article that was publishedSeptember 1, 2006 at NewsTarget.comI'm really excited about this for a few reasons:--I believe in a natural and nutritional approach to mostphysical problems (and yes, this is coming from a formerIntensive Care nurse who does know the value of certain lifesaving equipment for emergency care - especially cardiac)--I have a strong belief in the use of fish oils for our healthcare, both preventative and for helping certain conditions. Ialso know for myself how much better I feel when I have a gooddaily dose of Omega-3's (mostly in the form of fish and flaxoils)--I'm not sure if I'm allowed to "spill the beans" here ornot, but many of you will know by next week at this time if youdon't already know - that Young Living Essential Oil company hascome out with a new product that consists of a combination ofOmega-3's and the highest quality essential oils for internaluse (great for Heart Health) It is called "Omega Blue" - and forthose of you going to convention next week you will get thechance to learn about it first hand!So here's the article and the study. . .I think you'll be highlyimpressed as I was. . . . . .. .Omega-3 fatty acids outperform automated external defibrillatorsin saving lives from heart attacks(NewsTarget) New research published in the October issue of theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine indicates that consumingomega-3 fatty acids may be more effective at preventing suddencardiac deaths than automated external defibrillators orimplanted defibrillators.Researchers from the Heart Center at Regions Hospital in St.Paul, Minn., used a computer-simulated study of 100,000 residentsin Olmsted County, Minn., to determine that the residentsconsuming the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids experienced a6.4 percent lower overall death rate. The researchers found thatautomated external defibrillators (AEDs) reduced the death rateby only 0.8 percent, and implanted defibrillators lowered deathrates by 3.3 percent.In the population of 100,000 -- which was simulated to allowresearchers to examine patient data under unrealistic conditions,such as full patient compliance with prescriptions -- theresearchers found that increasing consumption of omega-3s couldsave 58 lives per year, while AEDs would only save seven lives,and implanted defibrillators would save 30."Once again, nutrition triumphs over complicated medicaltechnology," explained Mike Adams, a holistic nutritionist andauthor of The Seven Laws of Nutrition. "When it comes to savinglives from heart attacks, simple, low-cost omega-3 oils areoutperforming complex, expensive technology devices that have tobe surgically implanted," he said. "As a bonus, these oils alsoreduce inflammation and joint pain, help regulate blood sugar,eliminate ADHD symptoms, protect the brain and nervous systemfrom oxidative damage, boost skin elasticity and even helpprevent cancer. No defibrillator can do that."Adams recommends that everyone make a habit to boost theirconsumption of omega-3 oils. Good sources include oily fish, coldwater fish, flax seeds and chia seeds. (. .and Omega Blue! fromYLEO) One of the things you want to be aware of is that some ofthese can go rancid. Pay attention to refrigeration when needed.The Young Living Omega Blue product has essential oils added tothe high quality fish oils that prevent rancidity (brilliant!)To learn how you can get Omega Blue and any other Young Livingproduct, see your Young Living distributor or go to: http://tinyurl.com/aenfp

4. How To Eat A Pomegranate
I'm am not a pomegranate expert. The truth is I picked up apomegranate the other day when I was buying my produce thinkingit would be a great snack (although I'm getting a good dose ofpomegranate juice in my daily Ningxia Red drink).When I've eaten them in the past I've wrestled with the mess thatthey can make - the stains from the juice and the indecisionabout whether to eat the seeds or not.Well, I did some research, had some success, and thought I wouldshare it with you.Pomegranates are in season and popular over the holidays (seasonstarts in September). I suggest you pick one up and practice foryour holiday season ( and meanwhile get all of the greatantioxidants and fiber that it offers!)--Cut the crown end of the pomegranate. The crown is the nobbintop that looks like a little crown. Throw it away.--With a sharp paring knife, score the outer skin of thepomegranate into quarters, running from "crown" to bottom. Becareful not to cut all the way into the seed chambers.--Soak the pomegranate in cold water, upside down for 5-10minutes.--Break apart the rind of the pomegranate and remove seeds frommembrane shell of the pomegranate. The seeds will sink to thebottom of the bowl.--Drain seeds with a colander. Pat dry with cloth or papertowel.--Eat immediately or store in an airtight container in therefrigerator for up to two days.--You can make juice by putting seeds in blender and strainthrough a cheesecloth.And, yes, it is okay to eat the seeds!If you don't want to bother with all of that and just want totake a good nutritious drink (its actually a nutrient infusion)that has pomegranate in it and wolfberries from the Ningxiaregion in China - order some Ningxia Red from Young Living.Health Benefits of Ningxia Red:--Dynamic Energy and Stamina--Highest Levels of Antioxidant Activity--Boosts Immune FunctioningContact your Young Living Distributor or go to: http://tinyurl.com/aenfp

4. Essential Oil Tip: Cinnamon & Oregano for E.coli
Cinnamon and Oregano are comparable with penicillin andampicillin in inhibiting E. coli.This study was done at Weber State University. The EssentialOils Desk Reference has a chart on the Comparative AntimicrobialActivity of Essential Oils and Antibiotics - Appendix Q - page473.Does this mean we can wash our spinach in water dowsed withCinnamon oil? Only if it's therapeutic Grade A such as in YoungLiving oils. Actually, I think the oregano fits better withwashing greens. Check out the other oils you can use in thearticle above.Order your essential oils from your Young Living distributor orby going to http://tinyurl.com/aenfp

5. Success Tip
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by thethings you didn't do than by the ones you did do."Mark Twain

6.Recipe of the Week: Rice Pilaf w/Pomegranate, Pine Nuts & Chard
This pilaf makes lovely use of pomegranate. The sweetness of thechard improves with the tartness of the pomegranate seeds.1 1/4 to 1 1/2 pounds chard3 or 4 tablespoons olive oil1 large onion hoppedSalt and freshly ground pepper3 large garlic cloves, chopped1 1/2 cups long-grain white rice3 cups hot water1/4 cup pine nuts1/4 to 1/2 cup pomegranate seedsMETHODRinse chard thoroughly. Peel stems if they are stringy and cutthem in 1/2 inch dice. Chop leaves and keep them separate fromstems.Heat 2 or 3 tablespoons oil in large heavy sauté pan or shallowstew pan. Add onion and sauté over medium heat for 5 minutes, oruntil soft but not brown, stirring often. Add chard stems andsauté for 2 minutes. Add leaves and sprinkle with salt andpepper. Cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, or untilwilted, stirring occasionally. Transfer mixture to bowl.Add remaining tablespoon of oil to pan and heat it. Add garlicand rice and sauté over medium heat, stirring, until rice beginsto turn white. Return chard mixture to pan. Add water, 1 teaspoonsalt, and a pinch of pepper and stir once. Cover and cook overlow heat, without stirring, for 18 minutes, or until rice istender.Taste rice and adjust seasoning. Serve pilaf on a platter,sprinkled with toasted pine nuts and pomegranate seeds.Serves: 4 - 6Adapted from Feast from the Mideast by ©Faye Levy
7. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week
A pious man who had reached the age of 105 suddenly stopped goingto synagogue. Alarmed by the old fellow's absence after so manyyears of faithful attendance the rabbi went to see him. He foundhim in excellent health, so the rabbi asked, "How come after allthese years we don't see you at services anymore?"The old man looked around and lowered his voice. I'll tell you,Rabbi," he whispered. "When I got to be 90 I expected God to takeme any day. But then I got to be 95, then 100, and then 105. So Ifigured that God is very busy and must have forgotten about me.... and I don't want to remind Him."

Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
September 26 - 30 Salt Lake City, UtahYoung Living Essential Oils Annual Grand Convention"Explore The Dream"http://tinyurl.com/fkupt

October 13-15, 2006 Marlton, NJ
Healing Touch Level 3
Contact Marilee for further information 856-857-1799

November 4/5, 2006 Mt. Laurel
Healing Touch Level 1
Contact Marilee for further information 856-857-1799
Past Issues of Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week
Don't let all this good info go by the wayside! Access thearchives of the Tips of The Week at this site:http://www.homespaladytips.blogspot.com

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Home SpaLady's Tips of the Week" in your own print or electronicnewsletter, but please include the following paragraph:Reprinted from "Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week," a free ezineon how to Make Every Day A Spa Day. Subscribe athttp://www.HomeSpaLady.com.You are receiving this because you signed up for it at the HomeSpa Lady website at http://www.HomeSpaLady.com or you told me youwant to subscribe.PRIVACY STATEMENT: Home Spa Lady ? will never distributeyour address to anyone. Period.Promise.
Marilee Tolen RNa.k.a. Home Spa Ladymarilee777@aol.comPhone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)