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Stop Sinus Problems Before They Start / October 20, 2010

Stop Sinus Problems Before They Start
*Raindrop Training and More!
*HSL Inner Circle Upcoming Events

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Stop Sinus Problems Before They Start

Fall is a time of year when sinus-y stuff starts to happen.

Many people attribute sinus problems to the spring, but fall is also a major time of difficulty for sinus sufferers.

Here are some reasons why:

  • Mold produced by leaf decay

  • Potent weed allergens

  • Decay from bug death

  • Heating systems coming on

  • Less fresh air in households

  • Cooler weather makes us crave sweets and
    carbs (eating them can affect our sinuses too)

It is true that our external environment has a huge role to play in attributing to sinus problems, but our internal environment

(inside our bodies) has more of an influence on sinus conditions than the outside of our body.

If our internal environment is in "good shape", then it can help combat what we are exposed to externally.

What constitutes "good shape"?

  • Balanced ecology in the gut (decent population of good bacteria with little yeast overgrowth)

  • More alkaline and less acid (eating veggies and fruits and not sugar, caffeine, white flour)

  • Well hydrated

  • Well rested

  • Well oxygenated (daily exercise)

  • Well cleansed (bowels moving)

Why is balanced ecologyin the gut such an important factor as it relates to sinus health?

The entire alimentary canal (the gastrointestinal system starting with the mouth and ending with the anus) is made up of mucous membrane. We often call the abdominal portion of the gastrointestinal system "the gut".

When the gut has a good ecological terrain of balanced flora it can influence the other areas of the body that have the same mucous membrane tissue.

Think about where else mucous membrane is in the body:

Respiratory System

  • sinuses

  • mouth

  • nose

  • windpipe and lungs

Urogential System

  • vagina

  • urethra

  • urinary bladder

These areas are often affected by candida or yeast overgrowth, which can lead to symptoms which are often called 'infections' (many times they are infections, but many times they are just an overgrowth of yeast).

In the years of my practice, I saw many people with sinus conditions. This condition was often accompanied by other problems in the body - such as allergies, skin disorders, frequent headaches, depression, stomach problems, and colon issues to name a few.

Many of these people loved and often ate these foods:

  • Cheeses, especially aged

  • Wine

  • Sugar

  • Mushrooms

  • Bread
    made with yeast

  • Food with preservatives (packaged food)

  • Cakes, pastries, cookies

  • Pizza

  • Acid forming beverages: coffee, tea, soda

And very often these folks were constipated.

Along with eating an balanced alkaline diet, here are two very effective ways to deal with sinus

  • Colon cleansing

Cleansing the colon can keep the overgrowth of candida at bay. Sinus conditions clear up when the colon is clear.

As a former Wellness Center owner, I used to observe that when people had colonics with good results, they almost always simultaneously experienced sinus drainage. Any sinus congestion they had before their cleansing often disappeared with the good results of the cleanse.

Nutritional products that you can use at home for cleansing, and even foods that help cleanse the body, can offer the same results as it relates to sinuses.

  • Using therapeutic grade essential oils

This is a no brainer.

If you understand how therapeutic essential oils create an environment where overgrowth or imbalance of micro-organisms can NOT take place - in other words the overgrowth of yeast, fungus, and any pathogenic organisms will not occur, then you can see why using these for sinus problems can be very helpful.

Many microbes, especially the ones that don't serve us, love to hang out in dark moist environments -and that is exactly what our sinus cavities are (note how they are called 'cavities') -a dark moist environment.

Inhalation, diffusing, and even taking essential oils internally can be extremely helpful for sinus sufferers. If you want to take them internally, make sure the label has "Supplemental Facts" on it (overseen by the FDA) - this way you know you can take them internally. You may be hard pressed to find that on labels in essential oils, but you will find it in Young Living oils - that is one of the many reasons I love Young Living.

These are LIVE and IN-PERSON events with Marilee

October 23rd

Hands On Raindrop Training with
Marilee in Voorhees -

(this class will cover some of the new techniques taught by Gary Young at the recent Dallas Training - Marilee was a Lead Facilitator at this training with other Young Living Leaders)

For those of you in the Philadelphia area
(who are NOT attending my Raindrop Class!)
You may be interested in the annual Mind Body Spirit Expo!

Here is a coupon for you!
(yes you must print out this newsletter and cut it out)

The Home Spa Lady Inner Circle is a special membership area for
people of like minds who enjoy Natural Health and Healing to come
together and share and learn.

Learn about Home Spa Lady's Inner Circle!

Upcoming 20/20
Monthly Teleseminars:

October 14th 10 AM EST

"How to Have Fall Allergy Relief - Naturally"

November 11th 10 AM EST

"How to Heal Shingles Naturally"

December 9th 10 AM EST

"9 Ways to Enjoy a Deep Sleep"

Your call-in numbers are listed on the main page in the Inner Circle site!

Want More with Home Spa Lady and Marilee?

Learn about Home Spa Lady's Inner Circle!

Visit http://www.HomeSpaLady.com for simple tips on natural health and beauty that you can do at home. When you subscribe you will get a f'ree bonus video course on How to Use Essential Oils in Your Every Day Life. Subscribe to Home Spa Lady's free "Tips of the Week" newsletter delivered to you each and every Wednesday in your e-mailbox.

Order your essential oils from your Young Living
distributor or by clicking here

Marilee Tolen RN

EntrepreNURSE & Natural Healing Lifestyle Expert
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)

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