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Home Spa Lady's Tips Issue #69 / I Don't Want to Wear YOUR Perfume!

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 69 - March 21, 2007
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
E-mail Marilee
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady(TM)

Circulation: 1327


Make Every Day A Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!

In This Issue

1. I Don't Want to Wear YOUR Perfume
2. The Smell Map
3. Sniffing - The Best Way to Smell
4. The Electric Nose
3. Essential Oil Tip: Replace Perfume
4. Success Tip: The Smell of Success
5. Recipe of the Week: Cookies Baking
6. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

1. I Don't Want to Wear YOUR Perfume

It's bad enough when Aunt Tillie wears that awful perfume - but then, when you get your hug from Aunt Tillie, your day can literally be ruined because you end up wearing that smell as well.

Perfumes are scents that are meant to last a long time. The chemical fixatives help the scent cling to your body and clothes - and even transfer from one person to another.

Personally, I have difficulty being around any artificial scent because of the petro chemicals that make up the scent.

Most of these chemicals are harmful to your health.

I have to admit that I really get nuts when people hug me (many people hug in my professional circles) and they are wearing perfume.

I am especially aghast (okay, I guess this article is turning into a rant) at people who have challenging health problems or who have been diagnosed with a disease and they still wear perfume.

And get this. . .they put perfume on their neck, chest, wrists, insides of their arms - right where there are arteries (blood vessels carrying fresh oxygenated blood) close to the skin and where lymph nodes (part of the system that carries toxins out of the body - many cancers can involve lymph) are gathered.

Even if the perfume is said to have essential oils in them it doesn't mean they are okay. When the smell lingers - there are petro chemicals present.

Pure therapeutic grade essential oils are volatile - they will evaporate and dissipate after they enter the environment and complete their work at creating balance.

The smell and physical properties only hang out for a short time - and then go away (but what's lovely is that the energy still remains!).

I remember when I used to take Mom for her cancer treatments and we used to sit in the waiting room. There were so many female patients there wearing perfume.

I often thought that "Keeping petro chemicals off the body" should be on the top of the list of what health care professionals direct patients to do for themselves as they work on healing their disease.

The body, the liver, and the immune system have enough work to doin fighting disease and trying to get back into balance without having to metabolize more chemicals from perfume.

Essential oils on the other hand work to clean the body from its petro chemical exposure - ONLY if they are therapeutic grade oils.

When I teach about essential oils I insist that people fully understand the difference between a therapeutic grade oil and a perfume grade oil.

One surefire way to tell if an essential oil is therapeutic grade is by noting the AFNOR Standard. (Association French Normalization Organization Regulation).

But a real easy way to know (if it is a single oil and not a blend) is that many therapeutic oils are such a high quality that they are safe enough to be taken internally and you will find "Supplemental Facts" on the label. The FDA oversees this and they supervise the "supplemental facts label" through their Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) list.

There are other ways to smell good - sweet, soft, sexy - whatever way you want to smell - without loading yourself with perfume and making yourself more toxic. And that is with the use of therapeutic essential oils.

When you wear therapeutic essential oils and you hug someone - you are not slathering them with chemicals - you are enhancing thier state of health for that moment. What a nice thing to do.

2. The Smell Map

Some people are taking this smell thing really seriously - seriously enough to devote a website to "Smells that permeate New York City's subway stations".

It's a good subway map, but you need a strong stomach just to read the descriptive terms of the scents in these stations:


Give it some time to load.

3.Sniffing - The Best Way to Smell

When we sniff we are not just pulling odors up the nose - we are also sending electrical signals out from the nose to the brain.

"Sniffing helps us to smell better," says Minghong Ma, a University of Pennsylvania neuroscientist,

4.The Electric Nose

Smell can help detect disease and early warning signs of different illness.

Its not done through a human nose however - it's done through a replicated human nose and olfactory system using tiny bioelectronic sensors.

To read more: http://tinyurl.com/2xaa2w

There are however, real noses that can smell disease such as cancer - and those noses belong to dogs.

Read about the study where dogs sniff out cancer: http://tinyurl.com/24h2dz

5. Essential Oil Tip: Replace Your Perfume

Joy essential oil blend is known to uplift. White Angelica essential oil blend is known to protect.

Ladies love to wear these two scents as replacements for their perfumes. I have even known a few women who wore the real perfume Joy replace it with Young Living Joy.

These are Young Living blends. All Young Living Essential Oils are therapeutic grade oils.

Order your essential oils from your Young Living distributor or by going to Young Living's Website

3. Success Tip: Smell Your Success

Practice imagery.

Imagine yourself living your goal today. Hold your desired outcome firmly in your mind.

See, smell, touch and hear aspects of your goal. Each morning upon rising, review your goal. Repeat the process at night.

Use essential oils as you practice your imagery. This can help to anchor the information into the subconscious mind and energetically attract to your goal to you - as described in "The Secret", a new film available at http://www.thesecret.tv

Wear the oils blends of Abundance or Highest Potential while watching The Secret and practicing your imagery.

5.Recipe of the Week: Good Smelling Cookies Baking

There's nothing better than the smell of Chocolate Chip cookies baking.

Here's a healthier-than-most chocolate chip cookie recipe. You can limit the sugar you use here.

Notice there are whole grain flours, real butter, heart healthy walnuts, and Ghirardelli chocolate chips that are 60% cacao.

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oat flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/4 cup nonfat milk
5 oz. Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips

--Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
--In a medium bowl, stir together flours, baking powder, salt,nutmeg and cinnamon.
--In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar togetheruntil light and fluffy.
--Beat in the egg, then the milk. Stir in the flour mixture.-Stir in the chocolate chips.
-Drop by rounded teaspoons onto cookie sheets.
-Bake 12-14 minutes or until browned around the edges.

6. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

For Women ~ When Nature Calls....

When you have to visit a public bathroom, you usually find a line of women, so you smile politely and take your place.

Once it's your turn, you check for feet under the stall doors.

Every stall is occupied. Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the stall.

You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter. The dispenser for the modern "seat covers" (invented by someone's mom, no doubt) is handy, but empty.

You would hang your purse on the door hook, if there were one, but there isn't - - so you carefully, but quickly, drape it around your neck, (Mom would turn over in her grave if you put it on the FLOOR!).

You yank down your pants, and assume "The Stance." In this position your aging,toneless thigh muscles begin to shake.

You'd love to sit down, but you certainly hadn't taken time to wipe the seat or lay toilet paper on it, so you hold "The Stance."

To take your mind off your trembling thighs, you reach for what you discover to be the EMPTY toilet paper dispenser. In your mind, you can hear your mom's voice saying, "Honey, if you had tried to clean the seat, you would have KNOWN there was no toilet paper!" Your thighs shake more.

You remember the tiny tissue that you blew your nose on yesterday - the one that's still in your purse. That would have to do. You crumple it in the puffiest way possible. It is still smaller than your thumbnail.

Someone pushes open your stall door because the latch doesn't work. The door hits your purse, which is hanging around your neck in front of your chest, and you and your purse topple backward against the tank of the toilet.

"OCCUPIED!" you scream, as you reach for the door dropping your precious, tiny, crumpled tissue in a puddle on the floor, lose your footing altogether, and slide down directly on the toilet seat. It is wet of course.

You bolt up, knowing all too well that it's too late. Your bare bottom has made contact with every imaginable germ and life form on the uncovered seat because YOU never laid down toilet paper - not that there was any, even if you had taken time to try.

You know your mother would be utterly appalled if she knew, because, you're certain, her bare bottom never touched a public toilet seat because, frankly, dear, "You just don't KNOW what kind of diseases you could get."

By this time, the automatic sensor on the back of the toilet is so confused that it flushes, propelling a stream of water like a fire hose that somehow sucks everything down with such force that you grab onto the toilet paper dispenser for fear of being dragged in too. At that point, you give up.

You are soaked by the spewing water and the wet toilet seat. You're exhausted. You try to wipe with a gum wrapper you found in your pocket and then slink out inconspicuously to the sinks.

Now, you can't figure out how to operate the faucets with the automatic sensors, so you wipe your hands with spit and a dry paper towel and walk past the line of women still waiting. You are no longer able to smile politely to them.

A kind soul at the very end of the line points out a piece of toilet paper trailing from your shoe. (Where was that when you NEEDED it??)

You yank the paper from your shoe, plunk it into the woman's hand and tell her warmly, "Here, you just might need this." As you exit, you spot your hubby, who has long since entered, used and left the men's restroom.

Annoyed, he asks, "What took you so long, and why is your purse hanging around your neck?"

{This is dedicated to women everywhere who deal with a public restroom (REST??? - You've got to be kidding!!). It finally explains to the men what really does take us so long. It also answers their other commonly asked question about why women go to the restroom in pairs. It's so the other gal can hold the door, hang onto your purse and hand you Kleenex under the door.}


Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:


March 24-26, 2007 Galloway, New Jersey
Healing Touch Level 3
Contact Marilee for details 856-857-1799
April 20, 2007 In the comfort of your home
"Green Tea with Marilee"
Live Interview with Udo Erasmus, Author "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill"
Join in on the call ~ ask Udo your questions.
7:30 PM EST
Register Now!

Can't make the date? You'll get the recorded CD!
Past Issues of Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week

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Marilee Tolen RN a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
E-mail Marilee!
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)