"Home Spa Lady Tips" Ezine Collection

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Achy Breaky Joints / Put Your Body In Water for Joint Health / #90 August 15, 2007

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 90 - August 15, 2007
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady (TM)

Circulation: 1992


Make Every Day A Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!

In This Issue

1. Achy Breaky Joints

2. Put Your Body In Water for Joint Health

3. I want to know what's swimming in your head!

3. Essential Oil Tip: Most Popular for Joints

4. Success Tip: Dr. Albert Schweitzer

5. Recipe of the Week: Arthritis Home Remedy

6. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

1. Achy Breaky Joints

I was trying to come up with some fun words about arthritis and
osteoporosis to put to the tune of the famous country western
song "Achy Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus.

Then I got a little too silly with it and thought to myself
"there really is nothing fun, or silly, about these two serious

Having a strong family history of arthritis I try my best to do
as much as I can to prevent this in myself. Part of my protocol
is frequent Bikram Yoga classes, lots of good fats and oils, and
being careful what I eat.

This week I had a little attention grabber, a "red flag". My
right knee was very achy, and I hadn't injured it or done
anything differently. It lasted for several days. I thought it
could be the beginnings of an arthritic joint.

Then I realized there was one thing I was doing differently.
I was eating the most delicious Jersey tomatoes that are very
abundant now here in New Jersey.

I stopped eating them, and it went away.

Nightshade family plants are known to cause joint inflammation.

I try to tell that to my auntie who is wheelchair bound from
arthritis, but she won't budge from her favorite foods which are
the nightshades - tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers -
especially at this time of year!

I am not saying this is the cause of all arthritis, but I firmly
believe it is a contributing factor. Especially because as a
former colon therapist I saw many people who had colon,
digestive, and intestinal issues that also had arthritis (that
also often accompanied psoriasis). I would informally survey
these clients - many loved nightshades - particularly tomatoes -
and they often ate lots of pizza and pasta.

There is a research foundation based on this supposition. The
Arthritis Nightshades Research Foundation was founded by
Dr. Norman F. Childers, Ph.D.(age 95) Emeritus, University of
Florida - Retired, Rutgers University.

Childers discovered through his own pain and experiences
with arthritis that when he eliminated the nightshades from his
diet, the arthritis went away.

He wrote a book "The Nightshades and Health" in
1977. Five thousand of copies sold in three years, helped by the
Rodale Research staff in Emmaus, Pennsylvania. (Read more:
http://tinyurl.com/yo7x42 ).

Here are some recommendations about what foods and supplements
that are good for arthritis:

--Green leafy veggies - such as watercress, parsley, celery, kale



--Barley and wheat grass products (anti-inflammatory and



--Potassium broth

--Whole grains, such as brown rice, millet, oats, wheat, and

--Cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines, or herring

--Cherry juice

--Fish oils (Omega Blue - YL)

--Flax oil

--Ningxia Red Juice (YL)

--Fabulous Young Living supplement: Sulfurzyme. A wonderful
natural anti-inflammatory made with Chinese wolfberry and the
highest quality MSM

What to avoid (besides the nightshades which are tomatoes,
potatoes, eggplant, and peppers):

--Caffeinated tea
--Artificial colors

Also avoid meat - it can aggravate arthritis because it is high
in uric acid, a primary factor in the increase of symptoms.

As for osteo - that's for a later article. Hope that doesn't
disappoint you too much.

But to make up for it - here is a link to a video of Billy Ray
Cyrus singing "Achy Breaky Heart"!

2. Hydrotherapy for Joint Health

Hydrotherapy is simply therapy in water. It is often a prescribed
treatment for joint problems, especially arthritis. Although
swimming is a good exercise for people with joint disease,
hydrotherapy is different because it is often administered by
physical therapists in a warm-water pool with certain exercises.

The water supports your weight and takes the stress off of the
joints. It allows the muscles to get well exercised well without
stressing the joints. Muscles help support joints.

It can also help increase range of motion. Muscles can get
strengthened just by moving arms and legs in the water. The water
naturally and gently creates resistance. Range of motion can
also be increased.

For more info on joint health and hydrotherapy:

3. I want to know what's swimming in your head!

It's late summer. . . the nice lazy dazy days of summer.

I'm thinking that if you're sitting around just chillin' before
the onslaught of September that you might have a few minutes to
complete this survey.

I've been wanting to know some things that might be swimming
around in your head :)

Thanks in advance. . . . go to:


3. Essential Oil Tip: Most Popular for Joints

I should clarify this by saying that this is the most popular
essential oil blend in the Young Living line.

There's a zillion testimonials about this oil blend and

The blend is Panaway. It's a combination of:


According to the Essential Desk Reference (http://www.essentialscience.net) when using for bone pain it is
recommended to add more wintergreen and this combination can be
diluted with Ortho Ease Massage Oil. Apply topically over the
affected area.

To order these essential oils contact your Young Living
distributor or go to http://tinyurl.com/aenfp.

4. Success Tip: Dr. Albert Schweitzer

"An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere. The
pessimist sees only the red light. But the truly wise person is
color blind."

5.Recipe of the Week: Arthritis Pain Home Food Remedy

(Okay - don't throw tomatoes at me with this one! I know it
sounds wild but there are claims of success with this).

Arthritis Pain Home Remedy

1 pound Golden raisins
1 pint Gin (any kind)

Put raisins in a large bowl and cover with gin.
Let sit until gin evaporates.
This takes about 7 days.
Once the gin is gone, put the raisins in a jar and cover.
Every morning, eat 9 raisins--exactly 9--not 8 or 10, but 9!
It may take about a month before effect becomes noticeable.

Want a background on this remedy?

7. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

A man is recovering from hip replacement surgery when a nurse
asks him how he is feeling.

"I'm O.K. but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used
in surgery," he answered.

"What did he say?" asked the nurse.