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Home Spa Daze for Dad / #81 June 13, 2007

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 81 - June 13, 2007
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady (TM)

Circulation: 1503


Make Every Day A Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!

In This Issue

1. Home Spa Daze for Dad

2. Harvard's Safe Grilling Tips

3. Give Him The World

4. Update on Phone Tips

5. Essential Oil Tip: Valor

6. Success Tip: Bill Cosby

7. Recipe of the Week: Grilled Halibut Steaks

8. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

1. Home Spa Daze for Dad

Dads will get dazed (in a good way!) with these home spa
techniques that you can treat him with on Father's Day:

--Rub his feet with his or your favorite essential oil. Valor
essential oil blend from Young Living carries the energy of
courage and strength and grounding - all of those wonderful
characteristics of Dad.

--Create a steam facial for him (before he shaves) and tell him
he will have the most incredible shaving experience!

Most likely he won't want the fancy smancy ways we women like to
steam our face, so just heat water in a big pot til its steamy
and place it on a hot pad on the kitchen table. Throw a drop or
two of lavender in it. Grab his (clean) gym towel, have him sit
in a chair and place his face over the steam and put the towel
over his head to keep the steam captured for a few minutes.
Afterwards tell him to shave and follow it with splashing cold
water on his face.

--Scalp massage as he lies back in his easy chair. There is not
a man who can resist it - with or without hair.

--Prepare his favorite food and serve it in a spa cuisine style.
Even if its hamburgers - lace the dish with fresh herbs!

2. Harvard's Safe Grilling Tips

Harvard's Health Letter recently gave tips on safe grilling so
food won't have cancer-causing properties that high heat can

When meat is cooked at high temperatures a reaction takes place
where the amino acids, together with creatine, form heterocyclic
amines which are thought to cause cancer. Grilling can do this
especially when on the flame for a long time.

Here are some ways to cut down on the formation of heterocyclic

--Marinate your meat

--Cook smaller pieces

--Cook longer at lower temperature

--Choose lean meat

--Pre-cook your meat

--Flip frequently

3. Give Him The World

I love this gift idea for Father's Day because it speaks to many
men instinctively. I believe that men love their homes but
feel that the world is their backyard.

Hammacher Schlemmer sells the world's largest map mural that can
cover the walls of Dad's home office (or den/library/workshop).

It's great for political junkies, he who loves to travel, or who
wants to feel like the world is at his fingertips. Not to mention
the Dad (or Grandad) who wants to teach the little ones the "the
ways of the world".

It's a laminated surface that can be written on with a dry-erase
marker. Take a look at it: http://tinyurl.com/39eq6o

4. Update on Phone Tips

Home Spa Lady's Tips reader Carol R. sent an update to last week
posting of the "Do Not Call List"

"Just read your latest ezine....just thought you might like to
know that your information is not up to date. Below is a link to
the Federal Trade Commission which will clear some info. up for

Carol ~"

Here is the link:

Thanks Carol!

5. Essential Oil Tip: Valor

Valor is a wonderful blend of the following essential oils:

--Blue Tansy

It helps to balance energies and to instill courage, confidence,
and self-esteem.

Inhale, add to bath water, apply on wrists, bottom of feet,
chest, back of neck or along spine in the Raindrop Technique.

This blend is good for anyone but men especially love it.

Order your essential oils from your Young Living
distributor or by going to http://tinyurl.com/aenfp

6. Success Tip: Bill Cosby

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-
rope. ~Bill Cosby

7.Recipe of the Week: Grilled Halibut Steaks

2 1/2 large ripe tomatoes, diced
1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
3 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar

Four 8-ounce halibut steaks

3 1/2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
4 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon garlic, minced
Salt and freshly cracked black pepper to taste

--Put the diced tomato into a mixing bowl.
--Add the basil, olive oil and vinegar, mix well, and set aside.
--Rub the fish with vegetable oil and season with salt and pepper
to taste.
--Grill the fish over a medium-hot fire for 5 to 6
minutes per side, until flesh is opaque through the center.
--Add the lemon juice and garlic to the tomato mixture, and mix
--Spoon sauce on a plate and place a fillet on top of the

8. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

Four expectant fathers were in Minneapolis hospital waiting room,
while their wives were in labor. The nurse arrived and announced
to the first man, "Congratulations sir! You're the father of
twins!" "What a coincidence" the man said with some obvious
pride. "I work for the Minnesota Twins baseball team."

The nurse returned in a little while and turned to the second
man, "You sir, are the father of triplets!" "Wow, That's really
an incredible coincidence " he answered. "I work for the 3M
Corporation. My buddies at work will never let me live this one

An hour later, while the other two men were passing cigars
around, the nurse came back, this time she turned to the 3rd man
who had been quiet in the corner. She announced that his wife had
just given birth to quadruplets. Stunned, he barely could reply.
"Don't tell me! Another coincidence?" asked the nurse. After
finally regaining his composure, he said "I don't believe it, I
work for the Four Seasons Hotel."

After hearing this, everybody's attention turned to the 4th guy,
who had just fainted, flat out on the floor. The nurse rushed to
his side and after some time, he slowly regained consciousness.
When he was finally able to speak, you could hear him whispering
repeatedly the same phrase over and over again: "I should have
never taken that job at 7-Eleven... "I should have never taken
that job at 7-Eleven... "I should have never taken that job at 7-


Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:


June 14, 2007 In the comfort of your home

Live Interview with Alexandria Brown, The Ezine Queen

"Publish Your Own Ezine. . .and Turn it into Cash"



June 30 - July 1 Healing Touch Level One

Holy Redeemer Hospice Philadelphia, PA

Contact Marilee for details: 856-857-1799

Past Issues of Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week

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archives of the Tips of The Week at this site:


PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Home Spa
Lady's Tips of the Week" in your own print or electronic
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Marilee Tolen RN
a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)