"Home Spa Lady Tips" Ezine Collection

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Test Your Food . . .with Dipsticks? Issue # 80 June 6, 2007

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 80 - June 6, 2007
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
E-mail Marilee
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady(TM)

Circulation: 1488


Make Every Day A Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!

In This Issue

1. Test Your Food. . .with Dipsticks?
2. Mon'ey Saving Phone Tips
3. Ever Think of Starting Your Own Ezine?
4. More Heart Health
5. Essential Oil Tip: Washing Food
6. Success Tip: Mark Twain
7. Recipe of the Week: Broccoli Raisin Salad
8. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

1. Dipstick Your Food

Yes, ladies. . .you will soon be able to carry your dipstick with
your lipstick. The place you are most likely to use it is in the
restaurants ~ especially at those salad bars.

A dipstick (for those of you non-chemists like myself) is a
chemically sensitive strip of paper to identify constituents of
the sample you are testing. Most people know about using this
when testing urine for example.

Soon we will be able to test our foods - for bacteria.

A consumer test kit is being developed by chemists at the
University of South Carolina. These kits will have dipsticks
that can tell us what foods are safe to eat and what foods are

It may take two to three years for these to show up on store
shelves for purchase. Until then we have to continue using our
senses to pick up on signs of bad food.

Read more about this here: http://tinyurl.com/2t3rx5

A great way to clean our food at home (or in restaurants) and
counteract the effects of ingesting bad food is by using
therapeutic grade essential oils. Essential oils get rid of
unwanted microbes in any environment. Only therapeutic grade A
essential oils can be ingested (check GRAS list established by
the FDA) and can be effective against mold and undetected

Want to learn more about easy every day uses of essential oils?

Join me for a f'ree teleseminar tonight (Wednesday night - June
6th) starting at 8 PM EST. We'll be together for one hour.

Here is the number to call: (605) 990-0550
Access Code: 556593#

There is no charge to be on this call with me other than your
long distance phonecall.

2. Mon'ey Saving Phone Tips

--F'ree Information - yes, f'ree 411 !

From any phone! including your cell phone .. .
dial 1-800-FREE411 (1-800-373-3411)

You will be subjected to listening to an ad before you get your

--Get On The National Do Not Call List

Starting next week telemarketers will have your cell phone
numbers! so you will be charged when a telemarketer calls you.

Avoid it now by calling the following number from Your cell
phone: 888-382-1222

This is the national DO NOT CALL List. Your Number will be
blocked for five (5) Years.

You can also go to: http://www.donotcall.gov/

3. Ever Think of Starting Your Own Ezine?

If you have been a Tips subscriber for awhile you know
that along with providing lots of content and resources on
natural healthy ways to take care of yourself at home,I also
offer courses and programs on how YOU can do what I do -
bring your message to the world via the internet.

I have a fabulous course in Internet Marketing that just ended
last month.

I don't teach this course. I bring in the industry experts to
teach it. I mean the real guru's. . . the teacher's teachers. .
.the expert's experts.

It will be offered again in the future - maybe live,
maybe not, but definitely in a self study format.

Listen to what some of the graduates have to say: http://tinyurl.com/ynwkj3)

These experts are the people whose hourly consultations fees run
in the hundreds of dollars, and you have to buy several hours of
consultation if you want to work with them.

My six week course was moderately priced for $600. I ran a few
specials on it if you attended my presentation at either the
American Holistic Nurses conference or Healing Touch

Somehow I managed to get a consecutive weekly lineup of the
experts.That was amazing feat given their busy schedules
traveling and teaching all over the world.

There is one expert who's one of the early leaders in internet
marketing fame, and I was not able to get her for a teleseminar
class - until now.

She is someone who I wanted to bring in this course and was
untouchable for months.

Ali Brown is a millionairess as a result of her internet
business. Her specialty is ezines and she is known as the "Ezine

I finally was able to secure her for a teleseminar and I am
offering this as a stand alone class on June 14th. I am making
this available to anyone outside of my graduates.

If you have an inkling of a desire to do this (it can be a great
adjunct to any line of work!) I suggest you register for this
call. Even if you can't make the live call you will get the
professionally recorded disc in the mail.

Read more and register here: http://tinyurl.com/3x9hjz

4. More Heart Health

Last week's issue on Heart Health Home Spa Tips brought alot of
attention !!!

I am glad HSL reader Arlene (thank you Arlene!) forwarded me some
of this information on the potential dangers of combining a
common pain reliever with cholesterol lowering medicine.


Wouldn't you think its a common thing for someone to take an
anti-cholesterol medication (statin) along with an over the
counter pain pill like Advil?

Well, if someone has high cholesterol and arthritis, then taking
that combination of drugs is highly likely.

It was recently discovered that common painkillers known as
NSAID's (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) like ibuprofen increase
the risk of heart failure by 30%.

When combined with statins (meds that lower cholesterol) this
risk can increase substantially according to Dr.Robert J.Rowen
(Dr. Rowen is known as "The Father of Medical Freedom" for
pioneering the nation's first statutory protection for
alternative medicine in 1990).


Here is a piece from Dr. Rowen's site about this combination,
along with an important nutrient for heart health - Coenzyme Q10:

How statins and this common painkiller can stop your heart

I've told you in the past that congestive heart failure is
usually the result of a nutrient deficiency. But now there's
evidence a common painkiller is also to blame. And to make
matters much worse, if you have the nutrient deficiency and take
the painkiller, it could completely destroy the health of your

The nutrient I've told you about is CoQ10. It's a major cell
energizer that helps keep your heart energized and pumping
normally. Without sufficient levels, your heart's energy level
plummets, causing heart failure. A major cause of CoQ10
deficiency is statin drugs, which stop your liver's production of
the nutrient.

The common painkiller is any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
(NSAID), such as ibuprofen. Researchers just discovered that
these common pain pills increase your risk of heart failure by

The United Kingdom study followed patients for three years. All
of them were between the ages of 60-84. The researchers found the
following factors increased risk for a first hospital admission
for heart failure: previous diagnosis of heart failure, obesity,
smoking, and a history of recent specialist appointments and
inpatient stay. Fourteen percent of the patients were taking
NSAIDs at the time of their admission. That compares to 10% of a
random comparison group. The numbers could be greater if you have
additional risk factors for heart failure, such as diabetes or

The drug indomethacin carried the greatest risk. If you take it,
you're three times as likely to go to the hospital for heart
failure as those not taking the drug. Most of the patients took
the drugs for osteoarthritis pain.

This study showed very clearly what I've said for years - NSAIDs
are poison. They cause heart attacks, bleeding, erectile
dysfunction, joint destruction, and now heart failure. But what
the study didn't show is that you increase your risk of heart
failure significantly if you take statins to lower your
cholesterol and NSAIDs for pain.

You might think that taking both drugs would double your risk.
But it could be much worse. Sometimes two or more factors can
work together to multiply the effect. So if the painkillers
increase your risk of heart failure by 30%, the painkillers and
statins together could increase your risk substantially. We don't
have any studies to prove this is the case, but it's quite

Your best line of defense is to take 100-200 mg of CoQ10 daily.
If you take a painkiller too, you should increase that dose to
200-400 mg. But, of course, I think you should completely avoid
both drugs. There are much better ways to beat high cholesterol
and chronic pain. I've written about both in depth. Subscribers
to my newsletter can read these articles for free on my website: http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com/.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,
Robert Jay Rowen, MD

Ref: Heart Online First, "Common Painkillers Linked To 30% Raised
Risk Of First Hospital Admission For Heart Failure," 22 May 2006;
doi 10,1136/hrt.2005.082388.

5. Essential Oil Tip: Lemon for Washing Food

Wash your vegetables, fruits, and even meats with lemon oil.

Immerse food into clean water-filled sink or large bowl and add a
few drops of lemon oil.

Continue to run water so that the lemon taste and flavor is not

Reminder: Always use therapeutic grade oils for therapeutic
effects, especially for internal use. Young Living Essential
Oils are therapeutic grade A oils.

Order your essential oils from your Young Living
distributor or by going to http://tinyurl.com/aenfp.

6. Success Tip: Mark Twain

Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like
and let the food fight it out inside.

- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

7.Recipe of the Week: Broccoli Raisin Salad

1 head raw broccoli (or equivalent amount of broccoli crowns or
1/4 to 1/3 cup raisins
1/4 to 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
1 bottle Annie’s Naturals Goddess Salad Dressing

If possible, soak sunflower seeds and raisins in water for a
couple of hours beforehand, but it is not necessary.

Chop or tear the broccoli florets into a bowl. Reserve any
broccoli stalks to snack on.

Mix the broccoli florets, sunflowers and raisins (drained if you
soaked them) in a bowl.

Mix with enough dressing to coat everything. How much you use
will depend on how coated or wet you like your salad.

Thanks Annie!
8. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

I told my doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet, so he gave
me pep pills. Know what happened? I ate faster.

-Joe E. Lewis

Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:



June 6, 2007 In the comfort of your home
Here is a "Spring Turning Summer" Bonus for all of you!
8 PM - 9 PM EST Introduction to Essential Oils
Here is the number to call: (605) 990-0550
Access Code: 556593#

June 14, 2007 In the comfort of your home
Live Interview with Alexandria Brown, The Ezine Queen
"Publish Your Own Ezine. . .and Turn it into Cash"


June 30 - July 1 Healing Touch Level One
Holy Redeemer Hospice Philadelphia, PA
Contact Marilee for details: 856-857-1799

Past Issues of Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week

Don't let all this good info go by the wayside! Access the
archives of the Tips of The Week at this site: http://www.homespaladytips.blogspot.com/
PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Home Spa
Lady's Tips of the Week" in your own print or electronic
newsletter, but please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week," a free ezine
on how to Make Every Day A Spa Day. Subscribe at http://www.homespalady.com/.

You are receiving this because you signed up for it at the Home
Spa Lady website at http://www.homespalady.com/ or you told me you want to subscribe.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Home Spa Lady will never distribute
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Marilee Tolen RN
a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)