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Home Spa Lady Tips Issue # 70 / Slenderize Like The Celebrities

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 70 - March 28, 2007
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
E-mail Marilee
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady(TM)
Circulation: 1341
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. Slenderize Like The Celebrities
2. Flax Seed: The Miracle Plant
3. Essential Oil Tip: Decrease Appetite
4. Success Tip: Cyril Connolly
5. Recipe of the Week: Udo's Mayonnaise
6. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week
1. Slenderize Like the Celebrities
Have you checked out Madonna's arms, Suzanne Somers' thighs, and Hilary Swank's whole body? Would you like to be wearing those? What woman wouldn't?

Although much work goes into toning those gorgeous bodies, one of the best ways to nutritionally lay the foundation for toned bodies is by taking flax seed oil. Celebrity's secrets to staying fit come directly from their personal trainers and chefs. Celebrity trainer Grant Roberts swears by the use of flax seed oil to decrease the percentage of body fat and help build muscle. Grant shares in an interview how he had Hilary Swank use flax seed oil along with her work outs to get her body in shape for Million Dollar Baby. (See the interview here: Interview with Grant Roberts)

The benefits of flax seed oil go way beyond its ability to naturally burn fat through thermogenesis. Here are some other benefits of taking flax seed oil:

--helps to lower bad cholesterol
--helps to lower blood triglyerides
--helps to lower blood pressure
--helps to heal intestinal lining
--provides great fiber
--has role in preventing breast cancer
--fights diabetes
--boosts immune functioning
--fights "the blues"

The most recognized authority on Flax Seed Oil is Udo Erasmus, author of the book "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill". "Home Spa Lady", Marilee, is personally interviewing Udo in her teleseminar series "Green Tea with Marilee" and YOU can get aseat on that live call! To find out how you can personally join Marilee and Udo Erasmus click here. And if the date doesn't work for you register to join anyway - you will have the professionally recorded disc mailed directly to you.

Which flax oil to buy? Like the essential oils, the quality of flax oils can vary - depending on many factors. You want the highest quality, and Udo's Choice from Flora is the highest quality flax oil on the market today. Udo's Choice is Marilee's Choice. Fed up with everyone focusing on losing pounds and just want to embrace your larger body? Enjoy this "Fat Rant" video: http://tinyurl.com/ysszyo
2. Flax Seed: The Miracle Plant
Article Source:Ezine Articles / Elizabeth Hutchings

Flax is lovely blue flowered crop that grows rampant in the prairies and is often mistaken as a wild flower. This delicate plant produces tiny seeds that offer a wide variety of terrific health benefits. This health benefits include:

--Soluble fibers which reduce cholesterol level and therefore lower the risk of heart disease
--Alpha linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acid to help reduce blood thickness reducing the chance of blood clots
--Phytoestrogens which are similar to human estrogen and can be helpful for women during their hormonal cycle or during menopause
--Flax seed has reduced both the number and size of cancerous tumors in both breast and prostate cancer. Flax may reduce the incidence and size of tumors. One small study by Lilian Thompson, a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto, showed that the rate of tumor growth in mammary cancer patients was reduced when they consumed 25 grams of flax per day.

Flax seed can easily be added into a normal diet. It can be added to cereals, breads, muffins, pancakes, and cookies. Additionally, it can be mixed well into fluids like juices, smoothies and applesauce. As well as meat dishes and as a salad or sandwich topper, like mayonnaise or mustard. Flax seed can be used whole, ground, or in oil forms. Flax seed can be ground in a coffee grinder, pepper grinders, or a flax seed grinder which can easily be bought online.

Whole flax seed offers fiber which is great for the digestive system and for reducing cholesterol. Grinding flax seed allows the digestive tract to absorb the other available nutrients like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and lignans.

It is suggested that a combination of both whole and ground flaxseed be incorporated into the normal daily diet to get the best health benefits available from flax seed. Flax seed must be stored properly in all forms. It is extremely sensitive to heat and sunlight. Exposure to either will cause the flax seed to quickly spoil. Store all flax seed in an air tight container in a cool place.

View our recommended source for 100% organic Flax Seed. www.flaxseedpro.com is a great site for all of your flaxseed needs. There is also a section of the site dedicated to FlaxSeed Information with many articles and postings by customers.

Article Source: Ezine Articles / Elizabeth Hutchings
3. Essential Oil Tip: Decrease Appetite
Peppermint oil is known to reduce appetite. Simply inhale the oil when hungry. If you are using a therapeutic grade oil you can ingest peppermint oil. It is pleasant to put a 2-3 drops in an 8 ounce glass of water and drink it. It is also helpful for digestive upset.

Order your essential oils from your Young Livingdistributor or by going to Young Living's Website
4. Success Tip: Cyril Connolly
One way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.
~Cyril Connolly
5.Recipe of the Week: Udo's Mayonnaise
This is a delicious and healthy mayonnaise!
1 Egg (or use 1/4 cup liquid pasteurized egg)
pinch Cayenne
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Sugar
2 tsp Lemon juice
3/4 cup Udo's 3.6.9 Oil Blend

Blend egg, cayenne, salt, sugar, lemon juice and 1/4 cup of the oil in a blender. With blender running, slowly drizzle in remaining oil.Refrigerate immediately. Chop fresh herbs such as chives, parsley, or basil and stir into Udo's Mayo for a healthy and tasty spread on sandwiches and appetizers.
6. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week
My Thighs Were Stolen

My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. It was just that quick. I went to sleep in my body and woke up with someone else's thighs. The new ones had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Who would have done such a cruel thing to legs that had been mine for years? Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine?

Hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans and Sheer Energy pantyhose. Then, just when my guard was down, the thieves struck again. My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear end to the thighs they stuck me with earlier. I couldn't believe that my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original. Now, my rear complemented my legs, lump for lump. Frantic, I prayed that long skirts would stay in fashion.

It was two years ago when I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and I watched horrified but fascinated as the flesh of my upper arms swung to and fro with the motion of the hair brush. This was really getting scary. My body was being replaced one section at a time. How clever and fiendish. Age? Age had nothing to do with it. Age is supposed to creep up, unnoticed, something like maturity. NO, I was being attacked repeatedly and without warning.

In despair, I gave up my T-shirts. What could they do to me next? My poor neck suddenly disappeared faster than the Thanksgiving turkey it now resembled. That's why I decided to tell my story. I can't take on the medical profession by myself. Women of the world, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE! That really isn't plastic that those surgeons are using. You KNOW where they are getting those replacement parts, don't you? The next time you suspect someone has had a face "lifted," look again. Was it lifted from you? I think I finally found my thighs -- and I hope that Cindy Crawford paid a really good price for them! This is not a hoax! This is happening to women in every town every night!
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
April 20, 2007
In the comfort of your home"Green Tea with Marilee"
Live Interview with Udo Erasmus
Author "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill"
Join in on the call ~ ask Udo your questions.
7:30 PM EST
Register Now!
Can't make the date? You'll get the recorded CD!
Past Issues of Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week

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Marilee Tolen RN a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
E-mail Marilee!
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)