"Home Spa Lady Tips" Ezine Collection

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Home Spa Lady Tips Issue # 72 / Eat Oil to Get Rid of F.at

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 72 - April 11, 2007
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
E-mail Marilee
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady(TM)

Circulation: 1378


Make Every Day A Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!

In This Issue

1. Eat Oil to Get Rid of Fat
2. How Your Feet Affect Your Life
3. The Best Aromatherapy Credential
4. Write Articles for Your Industry
5. Essential Oil Tip: Clear Your Mind
6. Success Tip: Earl Nightingale
7. Recipe of the Week: Udo's Blueberry Milkshake
8. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

1. Eat Oil to Get Rid of Fat

I can hear you now "Is she serious? Eat fat so you can lose it?"

Yup, I am serious, and I learned about it from the world's leading expert. There's even a technical term for how this happens, it's called "thermo genesis".
This means the body will naturally produce more heat to burn more calories.

Now, don't worry ladies, if heat production doesn't appeal to you. Maybe your heating system is on full blast these days with hot flashes. This oil won't make you get hotter. As a matter of fact, it most likely will regulate your thermostat in that department because it can regulate hormones too!

Now, I must make an important point here. I am not talking about essential oils - they have another way of working and I've written about that before.

The oils that I'm talking about here are "fatty oils". That's why we say it is ironic because "we eat it to lose it".

Here is all you have to do to make this happen:

You take a few spoonfuls of this delish oil (I put mine in my shake or I may sprinkle on cottage cheese or in yogurt) once ortwice a day. That's it!

I got so excited about this when I heard all of the benefits of this oil. I got even more excited from my own personal experience.

And its as easy as going to your local health food store and grabbing it off the store shelf (of course you have to pay for it!)

But don't just take my word for this. I want you to get the information like I did - right from the horse's mouth.

I created an opportunity for you to hear him live right from the comfort of your own home. You will hear the world authority on this subject speak about how healthy fats can:

--Aid in weight reduction
--Regulate organs and glands
--Lower risk for heart disease
--Improve digestion
--Keep bones strong
--Ease PMS
--Produce beautiful skin, hair, and nails
--Strengthen immune system
--Increase energy, performance, and stamina

Known as the "Father of Flax", Udo Erasmus, author of "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill" is presenting specifically for YOU - the "Home Spa Lady Tips of the Week" Subscriber!

And, the good part is that you can ask him your specific questions!

All you have to do is dial a phone number.

Udo is wonderful to listen to. . . when I first heard him, I thought he was going to talk all scientific - was I surprised! This man has the most incredible philosophical mind. The only word I can think of when I heard him speak is "beautiful". His heart and spirit truly come through

He shares his brilliant information with creative thought. He explains things in an easy to understand way as to why our bodies react so well to these essential fatty acids, and why we all need them.

I highly suggest you take advantage of this opportunity. Join me on Friday April 20th for 90 minutes of Udo at your access. You will even have an opportunity to ask him questions!

If that date doesn't work for you I suggest you register anyway because everyone who registers will receive a recorded CD version of this event mailed directly to their home.

To learn more and register go to: http://tinyurl.com/2xmt9q

Remember, all you have to do is dial a phone to get there.

2. How Your Feet Affect Your Life

Did you ever have your feet rubbed and your body melts like butter. . . and all of a sudden life seems better?

Feet do more for us than most people realize.

Sure, they carry us around all of the time, but their importance is much more than just supporting our weight.

Some say that our feet are an entry way into the health status of our entire body.

The Egyptians were on this in a big way. As a matter of fact, manipulating the feet was a way to help heal the body during Egyptian times.

Today this Egyptian model of feeling good and healing through the feet is re-emerging with intense popularity.

Known as "Foot Reflexology", the science and art of applying pressure to points in the feet to balance the body can be done by anyone anywhere. Its a great tool to have in your "Home Spa" toolbox to help you or your family member feel better when you are feeling lousy.

For example, there are points to work on the feet if you have a headache, sinus problems, or an upset stomach.

Its not that difficult to learn to do it for yourself or your loved ones (and yes, you can do it to yourself).

However, if you want to do it professionally in a spa or wellness center, or even in your own practice I would recommend the leading authority on Reflexology and her programs located inNew York City and Boca Raton Florida.

Laura Norman, author of "Feet First: A Guide to Reflexology", has an excellent certificate program in Reflexology.

I interviewed Laura on a "Green Tea with Marilee" Teleseminar and she shared wonderful information about what Reflexology is, how it works, what it can do for the body and the mind, and how you can learn how to do it - whether for yourself or to do it professionally.

To get more information on this CD go to: http://tinyurl.com/32j9zy

3. The Best Aromatherapy Education Credential

Last week I wrote about the power of the Holy Oils from Scripture. It seemed appropriate because of the holiday week.

Much of what I learned came from an excellent course that is offered nationally from the Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy (formerly known as Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry).

This course, put together by Linda L. Smith, author of "Healing Oils, Healing Hands", leads to a Certification in Aromatherapy. This is a great credential that is endorsed by the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA).

You can hear Linda share some of the great history behind aromatherapy and how it can be used today, and how you can become certified as an Aromatherapist - go to: http://tinyurl.com/2yyhxv

4. Write Articles for Your Industry

I haven't done a survey yet to find out who you, my "Home Spa Lady Tips of the Week" reader, really are. . . but I have a hunch that many of you are:

--Over 40 years old
--Forward thinkers
--Holistically oriented
--Take a few extra steps in your life to take care of yourself (or at least think about it!) more than most people
--Have developed a level of expertise in your career
--Are somewhat recognized as an expert and may not be willing to claim it fully
--Are interested in becoming more financially independent and would love to weave your knowledge into a way to make money

Well, if my hunch is right (only you know that) - Heck! even if my hunch is not right. . .I would like to suggest a really great course so you can use your great knowledge and learn how to make money with it - even if you are still working in a career you love and plan to stay there!

If you don't already know, I offer a course to teach people how to take their areas of expertise and turn it into either cash or a new career. I bring the top experts in to teach the students enrolled in my program how they can take what they know and make it available to the masses through the internet and other venues.

That class is closed now because we are well under way into our fourth of eight weeks (not to worry, it will be offered again in the future - stay tuned).

However, one of the experts I bring in (who teaches people how to establish themselves as experts in their industry by writing articles), is offering a great course that you should jump on!

He has a few special offers for people in my database (that's YOU), so if you want to take advantage of this click here: http://tinyurl.com/2wjbpr

5. Essential Oil Tip: Clear Your Mind

Here is an amazing blend of essential oils that, when inhaled, can promote a clear mind and assist with mental alertness.

The blend is called "Clarity".

It can be diffused, directly inhaled, added to bath water, or applied on the body (may have some sun sensitivity).

This blend consists of the following oils:

--Roman Chamomile
--Ylang Ylang

This can also be used while studying for exams to help improve test scores.

Inhaling it while studying, and then when test taking, (on a tissue or directly from the bottle) is said to enhance the recall of the studied material.

Order Clarity from your Young Livingdistributor or by going to http://tinyurl.com/aenfp

6. Success Tip: Earl Nightingale

"The mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant houghts."
~ Earl Nightingale

7.Recipe of the Week: Udo's Blueberry Milkshake

½ Cup 2% milk
½ Cup fresh blueberries
2 Tbsp. Udo's Oil Blend
1 Tsp. honey
¼ Tsp. vanilla extract
1 Ice cubes (from filtered water)

Blend for about 30 seconds until smooth

8. HSL's Joke or Cute Quote of the Week

Dear IRS,

Enclosed is my 2006 tax return showing that I owe $3,407.00 in axes.

Please note the attached article from USA Today newspaper, wherein you will see the Pentagon is paying $171.50 for hammers and NASA has paid $600.00 per toilet seat.

Accordingly, I am enclosing four(4) toilet seats (value: $2,400.00) and six(6) hammers (value: $1,029.00), bringing my total remitted to $3,429.00.

Please apply the overpayment of $22.00 to the "Presidential Election Fund" as noted on my return. You can do this inexpensively by sending the candidate of your choice one(1) 1.5" Phillips Head screw (see aforementioned article from USA Today newspaper detailing how H.U.D. pays $22.00 each for 1.5" Phillips Head screws). One screw is enclosed for your convenience.

It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.

A Satisfied Taxpayer


Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:


April 20, 2007 In the comfort of your home
"Green Tea with Marilee"
Live Interview with Udo Erasmus
Author "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill"
Join in on the call ~ ask Udo your questions.
7:30 PM EST


Can't make the date? You'll get the recorded CD!

Past Issues of Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week

Don't let all this good info go by the wayside! Access the archives of the Tips of The Week at this site: http://www.homespaladytips.blogspot.com
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Marilee Tolen RN a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
E-mail Marilee!
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)