I Should Have Done This in Egypt / March 10, 2010
I just returned from a life changing trip to the Middle East (Egypt and Jordan) with Gary and Mary Young of Young Living Essential Oils and about 100 YLEO distributors.
that is me in costume with
real camel!)
What an opportunity we all had to participate in a documentary that Gary Young is producing about
Frankincense essential oil and the amazing history of this "more valuable than money" commodity.
Gary came up with 90 camels, professional costume, amazing sets (and all of us) to help recreate the travels on "the Frankincense Trail" - a caravan that carried Frankincense and other valuables (silks, spices) into the Treasury House in Petra.
This documentary will be presented at the Young Living convention this year - I urge everyone to attend (click here for details).
This trip was not for the faint of heart - it required quite a bit of stamina and as with anything like this, traveling to a different country and being busy in a different time zone where sleep patterns are disrupted etc, there were times many of us weren't feeling good.
I had one day where the heat really got to me - other than that I was feeling pretty good (unlike some who didn't follow direction and drank beverages that weren't bottled = the "revenge of the Nile")
I did come home with an upper respiratory thing going on and I think it was the hotel room at the airport in Jordan on the last nite.
I normally sprinkle essential oils in my hotel room and put in the vents - which I did not do on the last nite - I was too exhausted - bad mistake/good lesson!
Here is a quick video of what I normally do in hotel rooms with my oils (this video is older but my practice is still the same!
here or on the picture to watch video
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