Home Spa Lady Tips Issue # 30 Breast Health, Fight Germs w/ Essential Oils
Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week Issue # 30 - June 21, 2006 Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN mailto:marilee777@aol.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog) Home Spa Lady ™
Circulation: 600
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who isinterested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty basedon principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personalempowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxificationof the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
================================ In This Issue================================
1. Your Signature Spritzer
2. Common Sense For Breast Health
3. Essential Oil Tip of the Week: Fight Fear, Fight Germs
4. Help This Home Spa-er
5. Recipe of the Week: Roasted Asparagus - Simple and Delicious
6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week
=====================================================1. Your Signature Spritzer=====================================================
"Spritzing" is a wonderful way to use your essential oils,especially in the upcoming summer months. You can make spritzersfor your body, mind, emotions, and environment. You can even usethem on clothing.
Making a spritzer is simple. Spritzer bottles are glass vialswith a spray top. Fill an empty spritzer bottle with distilledwater and your favorite essential oil or blend. You can purchasethese bottles for $0.85 through Abundant Healthhttp://www.abundanthealth4u.com. The 2 oz Amber Glass Vial withSpray Top is what you want. The code # is 9120.
For a 2 oz. bottle use 40 drops of the essential oil.
Here are a few ways you can "Spritz":
--Spritz your face to hydrate your skin
--Keep at your bedside to spritz your pillow
--Cleanse and purify your environment
--Spritz overtired feet
--Keep in the bathroom to freshen the air
--Spritz clothing before ironing
--Spritz your lingerie before a special evening
--Carry in your travel bag to stay awake while driving
--Freshen your aura after being in a toxic environment
--Spritz to elevate your mood
You can also use floral waters instead of distilled water. Floralwater is the by-product in the making of essential oils. You canalso use part witch hazel, part floral water, and a few dropsof oil. Your bottles should last up 4 to 6 months.
============================================2. Common Sense for Breast Health============================================
I remember learning Anatomy and Physiology when I was studying tobecome a Registered Nurse. I wanted a more thorough understandingof the lymphatic system and felt what we learned was limited.Conventional medicine didn't pay much attention to the importanceof the lymphatic system for one's health. I wonder. . . has thischanged?
Lymphatic fluid circulates in tiny vessels similar to veinsthroughout the body. The fluid (or lymph) is clear, or slightlyyellowish, and watery. It comes from the tissues of the body.Lymph helps remove bacteria and carries cells that help fightinfection and disease. It's an important part of the immunesystem.
Lymphatic fluid doesn't circulate well without our help. Itdoesn't have a pump to move it like the our blood vessels havethe heart. Movement of the body is the only way to move lymph.Without regular movement the lymph can become stagnant. Also,tight clothing, such as bras, can press on the vessels andrestrict the flow.
Lymphatic tissue is very abundant in the breast area. There aremany lymph nodes under the arm pit. These clusters of tissue helpprotect the body from foreign organisms and cancer cells.Mobilization of lymph can help prevent breast congestion andmaybe even cancers.
Women often intentionally restrict the movement of their breastswhich is not healthy. Daily self care should include breastmovement. It can be as simple as moving your bra's shoulder strapup and down. It's common sense.
Cheryl Chapman is a dear friend and holistic nursing colleague.She is also a well known massage therapist and a breast careadvocate. "Phluffing Your Girls" is an adorable expression shecoined for this process She recommends moving your breasts likeyou are fluffing a pillow with your hands.
Here are some of the benefits:
--Reduce breast congestion
--Soften breasts
--Decrease lumps and cysts from fibrocystic breasts
--Move lymph
--Bring T-Cells to protect the breasts
--Reduce breast tenderness during pregnancy
--Enhance breastfeeding
--Easier to do a self breast exam
--Maintain healthy breast tissue
============================================================3. Essential Oil Tip of the Week: Fight Fear, Fight Germs============================================================
Here's a question for you Young Living oilers:
What oil blend helps to instill courage, combat fear, offerconfidence, and increase self-esteem?
Here's a hint: it's naturally blue in color from Blue Tansy, andit also contains Frankincense, Spruce, and Rosewood
Answer: Valor
Here's another question:
What oil blend has been found to be over 98% anti-microbial in astudy done at Weber State University?
Here's a hint: A group of 15th century robbers used this mixtureto avoid contracting the Plague as they stole from the dead anddying.
Answer: Thieves
And one more question: What do Valor and Thieves have in common(other than being part of the Young Living product line)?
Answer: You can get both of them free this month through aspecial offer. Contact your Young Living distributor or go to:http://tinyurl.com/aenfp
===================================================4. Help This Home Spa-er===================================================
This section involves you!
I've been receiving requests for advice on Home Spa topics. Icertainly have my ideas, but I'm sure you Home Spa-ers out therehave some good ones too.
If you have any answers of your own for the following question,send it in.
"Recently Desperate in Texas" writes:
"We just moved to a new location. (my husband is in themilitary). I think the bathtub here is plastic or something but,the massaging bubble bath mat that I have does not remain securein my bath. Any suggestions on how I can weigh it down? Youcertainly understand that this is essential to my mentalwell-being, happiness and joy etc...I've been a home spa lunaticfor 20 some years."
My answer was:
Dear "Recently Desperate",
Well it sounds like the perfect time to bring the mineral kingdomin to help you here. A great way to take a bath is with rocks,stones, and crystals. Minerals and their ions charge the water.They can hold your bathmat down too. A beautiful river rockcould do just fine if amethyst or quartz is out of your budget.
================================================================5. Recipe of the Week: Roasted Asparagus - Simple and Delicious================================================================ 1 lb. fresh asparagus 2 tsp. olive oil 2 Tbs. Parmesan cheese; shredded 1 lemon; cut into wedges
Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Arrange in single layer in shallow baking pan. With pastry brush, paint the oil on asparagus spears. Roast until tender but still crisp, 8 - 10 min. Turn spears occasionally for even cooking and to avoid browning. Place on serving platter. Sprinkle with cheese. Serve with lemon wedges. Serves 4.
=========================================5. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week=========================================
Sure, I've gotten old. . .
. . .I've had two By-pass surgeries, a hip replacement, newknees. Fought cancer, and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hearanything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medicationsthat make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have 'boutswith dementia. Have poor circulation, hardly feel my hands andfeet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all myfriends.
But.....Thank God, I still have my Florida driver's license!
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
June 24/25: Marlton, NJ
Healing Touch Level 2Contact Marilee for further information 856-857-1799
Sept 1-4, 2006 Breckenridge, COHealing Touch International Conference
"Using the Internet for Your Healing Touch Business Practice:You Have the Choice of Giving: Service for Free or Service for aFee"
October 13-15, 2006 Marlton, NJ
Healing Touch Level 3Contact Marilee for further information 856-857-1799
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=======================================================Marilee Tolen RNa.k.a. Home Spa Ladymarilee777@aol.comPhone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)
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