Home Spa Lady Tips Issue # 26 Whiten Teeth Naturally, Acupuncture for Headaches, Cold Sores
Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week Issue # 26 - May 24, 2006 Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN mailto:marilee777@aol.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog) Home Spa Lady ™
Circulation: 540
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who isinterested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty basedon principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personalempowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxificationof the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
================================ In This Issue================================
1. Whiten Your Teeth at Home Naturally
2. Acupuncture for Headaches
3. Houseplant Care - Prepping for Summer
4. Heal Cold Sores Naturally
5. Recipe of the Week: The Honey-Carrot Mask
6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week
=======================================1. Whiten Your Teeth at Home Naturally=======================================
Did you ever watch your white kitchen cups turn a brownish coloreven after washing them? Coffees, teas, highly pigmented foodsdo this to your cups, and also your teeth. Common stains fromfood (and cigarettes) attach to plaque and tartar buildup on theteeth.
There are some easy things you can do at home in between yourdental teeth cleaning visits to keep your teeth white and freshlooking.
Here's a list of tips and recommendations:
--Keep your mouth clean, it cuts down on stain build up. If youcan't brush after every meal, make sure you rinse food out ofyour mouth after you eat.
--Strawberries whiten teeth! Rub one on your teeth every day -or mash and apply with your toothbrush (rinse mouth afterwards)
--Brush your teeth with a paste of baking powder and water
--Rub the inside of an orange peel on the teeth
--Brush your teeth with a paste of baking soda and hydrogenperoxide (rinse afterwards, don't swallow)
--Mix these ingredients and brush on teeth:1 tsp baking sodadash of saltthen add a few drops of white vinegar, which will foam
--Burn a piece of toast, then scrape off the black layer of thetoast (it is charcoal) and mix that with your toothpaste. Brushyour teeth with this at night before you go to bed
--Brush with mustard oil and salt
--Make a paste of ground, dried bay leaves and dried orange peels(you may need to add some water). Use this as a whitener inbetween brushing teeth
--Equal parts of lemon juice and salt - brush on as whitener
--Brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar
--Use an electric toothbrush. Studies show an electrictoothbrush can remove 98.2 percent of plaque
--Great plaque dissolvers are anti-bacterial mouthwashes. Manyhave alcohols that aren't all that healthy. The best naturalmouthwash that I have come across is Thieves® Fresh Essence PlusMouthwash from Young Living. It has essential oils such aspeppermint, lemon, cinnamon, rosemary, eucalyptus, melissa leafwater, vitamin E, and other great stuff. Order from your YoungLiving Distributor or at: http://tinyurl.com/aenfp
--A home dental treatment designed by a dentist is calledGoSMILE. You can read about it and order it at:http://tinyurl.com/mgbgl
================================================================2. Acupuncture For Headaches================================================================
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and isconsidered an effective alternative medical treatment in ourculture today. It is often done for pain and it involvesinsertion of fine needles into particular points in the bodyknown as "acupuncture points".
Here are some of the types of headaches acupuncture has beeneffective for:
--Migraine headaches--Tension headaches--Cluster headaches--Post-traumatic headaches--Disease-related headaches such as sinus problems, high bloodpressure or sleeping disorders.
Read research study here on acupuncture and headaches:http://tinyurl.com/plh9e
Find an acupuncturist near you: http://tinyurl.com/k8v8j
=========================================3. Houseplant Care - Prepping for Summer=========================================
My plants are my family members and I love to take care of them.I get really excited about offering them a chance for greatervitality in the warm sunny weather.
The Flower Doctor offers some tips for those of us who can't waitto put our household plants outside for more air, light,and humidity.
Here's an excerpt from an article from The Flower Doctor:
"Houseplant Care Waiting For Summer
Many of us are itching to haul our houseplants outdoors, wherethey can really thrive. This is great for your plants since theywill get better air circulation, light exposure, and humiditythan they did during those dull winter months.
A word of precaution: Wait until the weather is consistently warm(days and nights) before bringing out your houseplants. Many ofthese are tropical plants that can be damaged at temperaturesunder 40-45 degrees. Don't immediately move plants into fullsunlight. Initially, find a shady place for the first day or two,gradually easing them into filtered sunlight. If the plant likeshigh light intensities, the move to full sunlight should takefrom 10 days to two weeks. If you find that plant foliage isbleaching, fading, or burning, move the plant back into filteredsunlight, and allow another week for it to adjust.
Replanting Houseplants
This is an excellent time of year to re-pot plants that arepotbound and have outgrown their current container. Don't skimpon potting soil quality. It's all these plants have to live andthrive in. To ensure that the product you purchase is good stuff,buy from nurseries and garden centers. Take time to actually lookinside bags, feeling the texture of the potting mix. A good all-purpose mix should be light, well-draining, and moistureretentive. It should have a nice earthy smell, and no strongodors. There are special mixes for cacti and succulents, orchids,etc. that you can purchase for plants with specific soilrequirements. If your plants have been happy, use whatever isworking for you.
Water And Fertilize Those Houseplants
Since your houseplants will be going into their active growingstage in the spring, water and fertilizer are important. Waterplants when the top few inches of soil are dry. Make sure wateris draining through the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.If you use pot saucers, make sure plants don't stand in water formore than 15-20 minutes. For most plants, water solublefertilizers should be used every two-three weeks per labelrecommendations."
More info like this from The Flower Doctor:http://tinyurl.com/edsn8
==================================================4. Heal Cold Sores Naturally==================================================
Cold sores are a virus known as Herpes Simplex Type I. There is"no cure" for this virus according to conventional medicine.There are, however, natural remedies that can fight off the fulloutbreak of these sores and stimulate healing of the alreadyexisting sores.
Here are some steps you can take to treat an outbreak:
--Nutritional literature suggests that diets high in the aminoacid lysine can reduce the incidence of a herpes outbreak.Supplement of lysine are available at most health food stores andthe suggested amount is 500 to 1000 mg daily.
--Conversely, you should prevent foods that have the amino acidarginine which suppress lysine. These foods are nuts, dairyproducts, meat, seeds, oats, peanuts and corn.
--Zinc, 50 to 100 mg daily may also help
--Build your immune system with 5000 mg of vitamin C daily
--Get plenty of rest and reduce stress
--Use therapeutic grade essential oils. They have high anti-viral activity. Melissa oil is highly indicated for topicalapplication on location three times a day.
--Other essential oil recommendations are applying one drop eachof lavender and melaleuca neat as soon as a cold sore appears.If the sore is open it is best to dilute in a very clean massageoil base.
Young Living Essential Oils are the only ones that I use andrecommend because of their high therapeutic quality. Order fromyour Young Living distributor or go to: http://tinyurl.com/aenfp
=====================================================5. Recipe of the Week: Honey-Carrot Mask=====================================================
This recipe is a treat for your face!
Steam 2 large carrots until they are soft enough to mashAdd 3 tablespoons of honeyCool to room temperatureApply it to clean faceKeep on for 10 minutesRinse with cool water
The honey hydrates the face and the carrot provides lots ofVitamin A
=========================================6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week=========================================
Medical Humor & Satire For Health Care Professionals
"E Pluribus Jejunum"
Pharmaceutical Companies To Rename Popular Medications
Many current drug names being blocked by spam filters
October 5, 2005
NEW YORK , NY Representatives of Pfizer, Merck, Eli Lilly,AstraZeneca, and other pharmaceutical giants released a jointstatement today confirming that, due to an increasing difficultyin communicating via the internet and email, many commonlyprescribed medications will be renamed in the coming months.
Proposed Changes
Original New--Soma --S.o.ma--Valium --V @1um--Xanax --XANa--Ionanmin --I0na.mn--Viagra --V@grA--Ativan --At`v@n--Xenical --X3.nica--Ambien --Amb'i3n--Sonata --S0n`aTa--Flexeril --Fl3.xeril--Celebrex --Ce`3brex--Fioricet --Fi0ric3`t--Tramadol --Tram@do:--Ultram --Ut:r@m--Levitra --L3vtr.a--Propecia --Pr0p.3cia--Acyclovir --Ac'yc0vir--Prozac --P'r0z@c--Buspar --Bu:sp@r--Aciphex --Acp:3x--Meridia --M3r`idia
Diane Mandrill, Pfizer’s U.S. Director of Marketing, says theforthcoming changes are "absolutely necessary" and that they willallow the companies to use email again "something" she says "hasbeen nearly impossible for several years".~We can’t send an email about, say, Viagra to anybody else in thecompany, since the spam filter just kills it as soon as it’ssent. And if we want to get a message out to the public? Forgetit! Might as well delete it before even sending it!~That’s why we’ve decided to change Viagra to V!@gr@ - the spamfilters can’t recognize the different spelling, so the emailmessage will go through fine. And, just to mix things up a bit,every few months we’ll be changing it again, to something likeVa_Gr@, or V1/@gr_a. Basically, we’re gonna outsmart these spam-catching programs at their own game.~Another of Pfizer’s medications, Celebrex, will be rechristenedCe`3brex, and their popular drug for hyperlipidemia, Lipitor,will be known in the near future as 1Ip!t0R.The new names, says Mandrill, have the added advantage of being"much more interesting, and a lot more fun to pronounce."~Other drug companies, long stymied by the same inability to sendemail messages about their products to colleagues, physicians,and patients, are following suit. Bayer’s Levitra will be renamedL3vtr.a, and Merck’s Propecia will be renamed Pr0p.3cia.~Besides medication name changes, the companies will also beimplementing system-wide policies on email content, says Merckspokesperson Chris Goode. "It’s going to be recommended that, ifyou’re referring to any medications at all, for example, you usem3dicat!on or medic@t10n instead," he says.~While the renaming of medications has been met with someresistance by some health professionals, who cite the potentialconfusion such changes could create, others see the changes asappropriate and overdue.~Ms. Mandrill says that Pfizer is taking the process of renamingits medications very seriously, and suggests that other changesmay be in store.~"It might not even be Pfizer anymore," she announced. "I mean,you could call it Pfizer, but you could also just call it P., oryou could call it P. Fizzy, or even Pfizzy Cent". She added thata new album and video are planned for late 2006.
This article was contributed to http://www.qfever.com by Dr.Ekwonwa from Nigeria.
"My name used to be Dr. Moses Ekwonwa," says Dr. M05Es 3Kw0nw@, anephrologist who came to the U.S. from Nigeria a decade ago. "Oneday, I began to notice that people were sending me angry letters,filled with complaints. They were asking for money that they saidI owed them, money I did not have. They insisted that I hadpromised them 35% of a fortune I had somewhere discovered,relating to a deceased businessman in my native country. Later Idiscovered that it was due to the internet, and that these peoplehad been the victims of a terrible fraud. But, it becamenecessary for me to change my name, my phone number, my address.So I can understand why [the drug companies] are doing this."
If you enjoyed this article and want to get a book full of funstuff like this, get the book "Q Fever! Medical Humor & SatireFor Health Care Professionals"
Order Here: http://tinyurl.com/h8k36
There's something in it for everyone - doctors, nurses, students,allied health caregivers ... even laypeople fraudulentlyrepresenting themselves as healthcare providers. In short, it'sjust what the doctor ordered! (Prior authorization required bymost insurance plans.)
Read what the CDC says about this book:"Confirming a diagnosis of Q Fever requires serologic testing"-Centers For Disease Control
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
June 9: St. Paul, MN
American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic MedicalAssociation Joint Conference
"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice"http://www.ahna.org/events/2006.html
June 24/25: Marlton, NJ
Healing Touch Level 2Contact Marilee for further information 856-857-1799
Sept 1-4, 2006 Breckenridge, COHealing Touch International Conference
"Using the Internet for Your Healing Touch Business Practice:You Have the Choice of Giving: Service for Free or Service for aFee"
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=======================================================Marilee Tolen RNa.k.a. Home Spa Ladymarilee777@aol.comPhone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)
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