"Home Spa Lady Tips" Ezine Collection

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Home Spa Lady Tips Issue # 17 Living 100 Years, Natural Sweetener, Oily Skin

Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week
Issue # 17 - March 22, 2006
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN mailto:marilee777@aol.com
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog) Home Spa Lady™
Circulation: 404
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. A Secret to Living 100 Years
2. Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite
3. That's Soy Ridiculous!
4. Natural Sweetener That Helps Weight Loss
5. Moisturizing Oily Skin
6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week
1. A Secret to Living 100 Years
In Bulgaria, 1500 people out of a million live to be 100 years ofage. In America, only 9 out of a million get there.

According to Metchnikoff, the father of modern-time fermented milk, and former head of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, the people (Bulgarians, Turks, Arabs) who are "addicted to the use of fermented milk as the English are to tea" produce more centarians than any other nationality.

Fermented milk, known to many of us as "yogurt", or "kefir" which is also called "soured, turned, curdled, and clabbered" milk, can neutralize the bowel with its good bacteria, and help inhibit decay-producing, put refactive bacteria. A chiropractic physician who helped popularize healthy eating, Dr. Bernard Jensen, believed that all ailments have their origins in the gastrointestinal system, primarily the bowel, or large intestine. According to his teachings, the degree the large intestine (aka colon) harbors good life-giving bacteria to keep the cleansing system in check, is to the degree one will live along life.

An amazing experiment was done by a man named John Harvey Kellogg that demonstrated how the bacterial cultures in soured milk can have preservative effects on healthy flesh. He took a one pound piece of raw meat and immersed it in buttermilk. He changed the buttermilk at regular intervals (my source did not reveal at what intervals) The meat remained perfectly free of decomposition for 20 years!

There are other wonderful ways to get good bacterial culturesinto your diet, such as cultured vegetables:(http://www.culturedvegetables.com/).
Also acidophilus tablets, capsules, or powders are good ways to populate the gut.

Young Living makes a good acidophilus tablet called Royaldophilus (http://tinyurl.com/aenfp)
The best time to ingest your good cultured foods are on an empty stomach, so that the population of good bacteria can take place in the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Great site on kefir: http://tinyurl.com/a94qx
2. Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite
They're back.

Bed Bugs, or Cimex lectularius, were common before World War II, but the widely used synthetic insecticides like DDT obliterated them. Now, with the withdrawal of these "extremely toxic to humans" synthetic insecticides, these critters are crawling back.

They feed on warm-blooded animals when humans aren't available, so ant and cockroach baits that have commonly replaced insecticide sprays don't attract and kill them.
Bed bugs could be considered a travel hazard. They are transported in luggage, clothing, bedding, and furniture, and are often found in places that have a high turnover of occupants, such as hotels.

Not to worry if you travel with your essential oils. You've got the best arsenal to keep yourself safe from these critters that hide in mattresses in many hotel rooms.
Here are some suggestions as to what oils to take with you when you travel, and how to use them:

Dowse, sprinkle, spray, diffuse, or anoint your hotel rooms (and yourself) with any of these oils:
--Melaleuca Alternifolia
--Eucalyptus globulus
--Purification (Young Living Blend)
--Thieves (Young Living Blend)

The Young Living blends of Purification and Thieves can effectively repel many different types of insects like lice, fleas, and mites.(For more information on YoungLiving Essential Oils http://tinyurl.com/aenfp).

Here is a recent news clip, for the "not so squeamish", of a woman who suffered so badly from being bitten from bed bugs at a hotel. http://tinyurl.com/m3ysz

As if travel isn't hard enough these days!
3. That's Soy Ridiculous
Soy has a dark side, according to Dr. Kaayla Daniel, the author of "The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food". She says that soy:
--Is not a health food
--Is not the answer to world hunger
--Has not been proven safe
--Lowers sex drive
--Contributes to reproductive issues
--Is linked to malnutrition and digestive difficulty
--Can cause immune system break down

Kaayla's book has been featured prominently on Dr.Mercola's website and on T-nation.com, the leading website for bodybuilders. She has been extensively quoted in the Washington Post, London Observer, Toronto NOW, and the Townsend Letter. She has been a guest on numerous talk shows and will be appearing on the Discovery Channel's Health Discovery. Her book has been excerpted in Mothering, Nexus, and Well Being Journal.

This Thursday night, just for you Home Spa Lady readers, Kaayla Daniel is coming on my Teleseminar to share what she says is "all fact and no fiction".

My veggie friends are giving me friendly but skeptical nudges. "Drill her Marilee! I want to know why is it that Asians have been eating soy for centuries and living long, healthy lives. What does she have to say about that?"

Here are some other questions I will be asking her:
--Are soy formulas different in Japan and China?
--How about soy protein shakes - weight gain or loss?
--What about infant formulas?
--Why does soy affect reproductive issues?
--How does soy affect sex drive?
--Is there any safe amount of soy we can eat?
--How can you say soy contributes to, or even causes cancer?
--What foods commonly contain soy that we might not think about?

And you will have a chance to ask questions too!

What if you can't make the call this Thursday but still want this great information? Register anyway because you still receive a recorded CD of the call mailed directly to your home.

The Teleseminar date is this Thursday March 23 at 8 PM EST (7CST, 6 MST, 5 PST).
To register go to: http://tinyurl.com/or95f
4. Natural Sweetener Helps Weight Loss
It's a big, gorgeous, spiky, green plant cultivated in Mexico's central highlands. The delicious juice from the blue agave plant has what some call "magical slimming powers". It's also known to lower cholesterol, according to researchers from theUniversity of Guadalajara.

How does it do this? It has what are called "fructans" that alter the absorption of fat in the intestines. A type of fructan called "inulin" is what aids weight loss. This is also found in asparagus.

Agave is low on the glycemic index. It looks like watered down honey and has no after taste. It is delicious! It's not as plentiful and easy to purchase as it used to be because the tequila industry is buying up these plants for the popular blue agave tequila. It takes ten years for an agave plant to mature.

Agave can be found in the Young Living product line. The Young Living company bought their own agave farm in Mexico. Their agave is organic and kosher. http://tinyurl.com/aenfp
5. Moisturizing Oily Skin
There is a misconception that oily skin does not need to be moisturized. It does, but not in the same way other skin types need it. Here is a recipe that is a good moisturizer for oily skin that you can make easily at home:

1/2 cup Aloe Vera Gel
1/4 cup distilled water
20 drops therapeutic grade orange essential oil

Combine all the ingredients and stir. Pour into a blue or brown bottle and shake before using. Use as needed.
6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week
About Medical Doctors
What's the difference between a general practitioner and a specialist?
One treats what you have, the other thinks you have what he treats.
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
March 23: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: "The Whole Soy Story" with author Kaayla Daniel PhD, CCN It is on a Thursday night (3/23) at 8 PM EST (7 CST,6 MST, 5 PST). To register: http://tinyurl.com/or95f
March 27: Marlton, NJ
An Evening with Home Spa Lady: Effortless Detox: Learn about the Far Infrared Sauna
Open to anyone
For further information and to register call Marilee directly at 856-857-1799
April 2: Marlton, NJ
Three Hour Workshop: Home Spa Cleansing Techniques
Open to anyone. Space is limited.
For further information and to register call Marilee directly at 856-857-1799
April 3: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students, apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration at http://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm
April 6: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Foot Reflexology with Laura Norman, leading authority on Reflexology - Stay tuned for details on how to register!
April 20: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Common Sense Medicine with Robert Nash MD, author of "Common Sense Medicine" Leader in the Field of Alternative Medicine, Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine, Heavy MetalDetoxification
Stay tuned for details on how to register!
June 9: St. Paul, MN
American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic MedicalAssociation Joint Conference
"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice" http://www.ahna.org/events/2006.html

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Marilee Tolen RN a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)