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Home Spa Lady Tips Issue # 18 Foot Reflexology, Anti-Cancer Menu, Effortless Detox

Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week Issue # 18 - March 29, 2006 Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN mailto:marilee777@aol.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog) Home Spa Lady ™
Circulation: 415
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who isinterested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty basedon principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personalempowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxificationof the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
================================ In This Issue================================
1. Foot Reflexology: An Ancient Healing Art
2. Anti-Cancer Menu for a Busy Day
3. Effortless Detox
4. A Silly Exercise in Mind-Body
5. How To Use Essential Oils in Your Shower
6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week
============================================1. Foot Reflexology: An Ancient Healing Art============================================
One of the most ancient forms of healing known to mankind is FootReflexology. An Egyptian papyrus dating 2330 BC depicted bothhand and foot reflexology.
Other cultures besides the Egyptians practiced on feet to promotegood health - such as the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, andRussians. The basis of Foot Reflexology is to activate thehealing powers of the body through the feet. The feet mirror thebody. Zones run through the body and into the feet. Workingthrough these zones can have many benefits. Some of them are:
--Balancing the whole body--Inducing the relaxation response--Helping to detoxify the body--Improving the blood and lymph circulation
The names to know in Foot Reflexology are:
Dr. William Fitzgerald (early in the twentieth century)developed "Zone Theory" of the body showing that certain parts ofthe body correspond to other specific parts.
Dr. Edwin Bowers - Fitzgerald's colleague showed that reflexologycould be used as anesthesia.
Eunice Ingham (1930's) - a physiotherapist who found that thefeet were the most responsive area to "Zone Theory".
Laura Norman (modern day) - author of "Feet First: A Guide toReflexology", and founder of the Laura Norman Method ofReflexology.
Laura Norman's Method is a Certification Training Program inReflexology utilizing the feet, hands, and ears. Her program andwork is endorsed by such notable people as Bernie Siegel M.D. andRegis Philbin (she got rid of his kidney stone pain withreflexology).
Laura is based out of New York and Florida, but people from allover the country train in her program.
Want to learn more? I'm having Laura on a Teleseminar scheduledfor Thursday April 6th at 8 PM EST.
Click here for more information and how to register:http://tinyurl.com/pcdw2
==================================2. Anti-Cancer Menu for a Busy Day==================================
"Busy" is the key word here.
At this point most of us health conscious folk know "the goodfoods and bad foods". The challenging part is practicalapplication on a daily basis in our busy lives.
Here's an "Anti-Cancer Menu for a Busy Day" from The Journal ofthe American Botanical Council:
--Eye-opener: Caffeinated coffee, chocolate, guarana, maté, ormost promising tea, sweetened with licorice.
--Breakfast: Bran with several dried fruits and nuts, skim milk,sweetened with spices.
--Snack: Two raw carrots on your way to or from work. Also, asmall handful of mixed nuts, including one Brazil nut, if you'renot overloaded with calories.
--Lunch: "Quack salad" (wild greens one day; cole slaw another;"tame" greens another); "Quack" soup (10-bean soup heavy withcarrot, celery, garlic, onion, squash, and tomato; with parsley,sage rosemary and thyme).
"Quack" Fruit Cocktail, "Quack" "Minnie Mint" tea (beebalm,catnip, dittany, horehound, hyssop, lemon balm, peppermint,rosemary, sage, spearmint, thyme, and whatever) Follow with a onemile hike.
--Snack: Fresh fruits and nuts (Different ones or a few each of awide variety every day). Or have a meatless "hot-dog-gone"sandwich with all the trimmings (onion, mustard, capsicum, salsa)on high fiber bread, but no meat.
--Dinner: 20-vegetable soup (including at least five differentleafy veggies, and several culinary herbs as in our "quack" herbtea above); one serving each of a medley of green-leafyvegetables (e.g., amaranth, beet greens, broccoli, brusselssprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, collards, cress, dandelion,garlic-mustard, kale, lamb's-quarter, mustard greens, poke-salad,purslane, rocket, spinach, turnip green, water-cress -- the widerthe variety the better) and a medley of non-leafy vegetables(again, the wider the variety the better; high fiber multigrainbread and salsa (green pepper, hot pepper, onion, garlic, lemonjuice, tomatillo, tomato, ginger, turmeric). Leave the butter offthe bread. In Bolivia, they call salsa "Bolivian butter." Followwith a one-two mile hike; back exercise.
--Downer Broth: Make love safely, if plausible, but don't makebabies. Love is important to health. Follow with "Skim of CelerySoup" (milk instead of cream) with evening primrose seed (crushedor bran; very high in natural tryptophan); catnip tea withcamomile and valerian. Good sleep can reduce stress; stressreduction can boost the immune system, reducing cancer incidence.
HerbalGram. 1991;25:30
=============================== 3. Effortless Detox===============================
This sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it?
For several years now I have been studying how heavy metals inthe body affect health. When I had my wellness center in the mid1990's, we offered intravenous chelation therapy (learn moreabout IV Chelation in my April 20th Teleseminar with Dr. BobNash), colon hydrotherapy, and aromatherapy steams. These aregreat ways to help the body release toxins. IV Chelation inparticular is a wonderful way for the body to get rid of heavymetals (it's also good for heart disease).
Heavy metal toxicity comes from mercury fillings in the teeth,foods cooked in aluminum cookware, medications and vaccinations,and the use of personal care products containing aluminum(underarm deodorant) to name a few.
Because of my own mouthful of silver fillings, I set out to learnmore about the best natural, non-invasive ways to decrease thesetoxins in the body.
I attended Holistic Dentistry conferences to learn what thisindustry recommends to safely remove heavy metals from the body.Besides some supplements, it was reported that one of the bestways is by sweating. In sweating, these metals leave through theskin without burdening the kidneys. The Far Infrared Sauna is ahighly recommended treatment to accomplish this.
Recently I've had the opportunity to use a Far Infrared Sauna.I find it a relaxing and wonderful way to cleanse. Sitting inthis sauna for just several minutes is a nice way to achieve agood sweat. Apparently, this type of sauna differs greatly from aregular sauna in that the Infrared light penetrates deeper intothe body. It's also reported that sweat from this type of saunahas more toxins in it than sweat from other methods.
Over the past few years I've practiced Bikkram Hot Yoga (90minute classes in a 102 degree classroom) to achieve good sweats.The Infrared Sauna is so much easier, and a great time saver toget a similar sweat.
Here are some of the reported benefits of the Far Infrared Sauna:
--Releases fat soluble toxins--Reduces toxic burden on the body--Removes these chemicals --mercury --lead --cadmium --arsenic --benzenes --street drugs --prescription drugs --anesthetics --cholesterol --urea--Enhances Immune System--Cardiovascular Conditioning--Reduces pain--Cleanses Skin--Weight control--Cellulite Reduction
If you can't find a facility that offers Infrared Sauna sessions,you can purchase these saunas for your home.http://tinyurl.com/pvzkm
==================================4. A Silly Exercise in Mind-Body==================================
Can the mind really influence the body?
There are still many skeptics out there that think that the mind-body relationship and mind-body medicine is quackery.
The next time you come across one of these people give them thislittle exercise to do. They will have a "felt experience" of howthe mind can influence the body.
Try this for yourself too!
1. While sitting, lift your right foot off the floor and makeclockwise circles with it.
2. Now, while doing this, picture in your mind the number "6" andin the air draw it with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction!!!
=================================='5. How To Use Essential Oils in Your Shower==================================
For the past eight years I've been teaching and promoting the useof therapeutic essential oils in the bath. Anyone can create awonderful spa-like experience in their own bathroom easily. Thebenefits are numerous - such as stress reduction, relaxation,calming, and healing.
I am always surprised to find out how many people do not like totake baths. I assure them that they can have the same benefits byusing essential oils in the shower, it's just a differentapplication.
Here are some ways to use the essential oils in the shower:
--Mix your oils with Epsom salts and place in bowl within arm'sreachoutside of the shower. Use 5 - 10 drops of essential oil to 1/4cup salt. While in the shower with water running, grab a palmfulofthe mixture. Slightly moisten and use as a scrub on your body(where skin is not tender).
--Mix your oils with a bath gel base. Young Living has a verypure one made from saponified oils of coconut and olive,vegetable gum, aloe vera, rosemary extract, and glycerin
Here are some good essential oils to use:
For relaxation:--Geranium--Ylang Ylang--Sandalwood--Clary Sage--Roman Chamomile--Peace and Calming (Young Living Blend)
For uplifting:--rosemary--juniper--lemongrass
Young Living makes a shower head for the use of salts andessential oils. It is called the Rainspa shower head. Itdisperses the essential oils into the spray which can create afragrant, antiseptic spa. You can order this at:http://tinyurl.com/aenfp
===================================6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week===================================
Mr Tote called the doctor's office to find out his wife's testresults. "I'm sorry," the nurse said, "but there's been amistake. When we sent your wife's samples to the Lab, somesamples from another Mrs Tote were sent as well. One Mrs Tote hastested positive for Alzheimer's disease and the other for AIDS.We can't tell which results are your wife's."
"That's terrible!" Mr Tote cried. "Can we do the test over tofind the answer?" "Your HMO won't pay for these expensive teststo be run twice." "Well, what are we supposed to do?"
"The doctor recommends that you drop your wife off in the middleof town. If she finds her way home, don't sleep with her."
Thank you for your comments!
"Hi Marilee,Thank you again for you wonderful newsletters.Every week I'm looking forward to it, and every topic you haveit's like it was meant for me to read and do.It's like having a private session with you.Bless you and God be with you.Love Stella"
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
April 3: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration athttp://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm
April 6: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Foot Reflexology with Laura Norman, leadingauthority on ReflexologyDetails and registration at: http://tinyurl.com/pcdw2
April 20: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Common Sense Medicine with Robert Nash MD, authorof "Common Sense Medicine" Leader in the Field of AlternativeMedicine, Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine, Heavy MetalDetoxification - Stay tuned for details on how to register!
June 9: St. Paul, MN
American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic MedicalAssociation Joint Conference
"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice"http://www.ahna.org/events/2006.html

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=======================================================Marilee Tolen RNa.k.a. Home Spa Ladymarilee777@aol.comPhone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)