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Home Spa Lady Tips Issue # 19 Weight Loss, Exfoliating, Attack Pollen

Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week Issue # 19 - April 5, 2006 Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN mailto:marilee777@aol.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog) Home Spa Lady ™
Circulation: 420
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who isinterested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty basedon principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personalempowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxificationof the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
================================ In This Issue================================
1. The Skinny on 'W'eight 'L'oss
2. Waiting to Exfoliate: Do It At Home
3. The "Heeling" Art That Can Heal Your Life
4. Doctors Make House Calls Again
5. Freeze the Sneeze: Attack Pollen from Your Pocket
6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week
============================================1. The Skinny on 'W'eight 'L'oss============================================
I had a teacher in my early twenties that taught me the mostvaluable lesson I've ever learned. "The truth about most thingsin life is usually the opposite of what you have been taught",she said.
Well, the idea of the "fat-free" diet for weight loss is one ofthose things. Contrary to what we've been told for years,consuming fat can actually help you lose weight, as long as theyare good fats.
In my desire to keep this huge topic brief and empower you to usethis info immediately, I am picking one delicious good-fat foodto tell you about that you should be adding to your dietimmediately. Coconuts.
Coconut milk, coconut water, coconut cream and other naturalcoconut constituents should be consumed daily for weight loss.Now, this doesn't mean you have to go buy one of those brownhairy round balls that sit next to the bananas in your Acme andsledgehammer it open when you get home. The Whole Foods industryis on the same page here, so most health food stores now carrycans of coconut milk.
How does eating coconut help you lose weight? Its the mediumchain fatty acids in the coconut oil. Medium chain fatty acids(MCTs) are used in the body for energy, as opposed to longchained fatty acids ((LDTs) from vegetable oils, that are storedas fat. Medium chain fatty acids create "thermogenesis" in thebody which increases metabolism and burns energy.
One way to get the "skinny" on how coconut oil creates weightloss is by looking at how it affects animals when given in theirfeed. The animal feed industry has known about this for years.
The livestock industry always liked fat pigs for good taste, andfed them foods to fatten them up. When lard was a householdstaple, feeding pigs polyunsaturated fats, like soybean and cornoil before slaughter fattened these guys up. These fats are longchained fatty acids. Today, now that 'thin is in' and low fatmeats are more desirable, there's a way to feed the pigs to keepthem lean. According to the Department of Animal Science of NorthCarolina State University, feeding pigs the good fats (saturated)such as coconut oil, helps produce lean pigs.
You can buy coconut milk at health food stores, but if you wantit fairly inexpensively, try your Asian markets. Make sure youare getting pure coconut milk without sugar or any additives. Inthe health food stores the cost of a can runs about $1.79. Inthe Asian markets its about 79 cents.
You can make the most delicious shakes with coconut milk. Thiswould also be a good choice if you want low sugar non-dairymilks. Rice and almond milks are high glycemics, and we learnedfrom Dr.Kaayla Daniels on the Home Spa Lady Teleseminar last weekthat soy milk is not the best choice either.
Here is a fabulous recipe for a most delicious shake - and youcan use your therapeutic grade essential oil of orange to flavorit up:
The Creamy Dreamsicle: The Weight Loser's Dream
3 oz coconut milk6 oz water2 scoops of whey protein (or other protein powder)4 ice cubes2 drops of orange essential oilBlend in blender
Option - you can add ground flax to this, or flax oil
Want more information on the value of coconut and weight loss?http://tinyurl.com/ncshs
===============================================2. Waiting to Ex-foliate: Home-Spa vs. Go-Spa===============================================
Why wait for your go-spa day to exfoliate when you can do itevery day in that is your home-spa day?
Exfoliation is removing the skin cells that are naturallysloughing off to allow new cells to be on the surface layer ofthe skin. It helps to reduce dry skin and eliminate itching.Freshly exfoliated skin often glows too.
Every day is a new day for your skin. Exfoliating on an ongoingbasis gives you the best opportunity for the real beauty of yourskin to shine through - every day.
There are natural, easy, and chemical-free ways to exfoliate athome. Here are four recipes to exfoliate your face, hands, feet,and body:
--Oatmeal Scrub for Gentle Exfoliation of Your Face 1/2 cup milk 1 tsp honey oatmeal - enough to make a paste Combine ingredients and apply to face. Let dry. Rub off gently with warm washcloth. The micro particles in the oats will remove dead skin cells and the acids in the milk and honey will also help exfoliate gently.
--Sweet n Sour Hand Exfoliator 1/2 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons apricot oil juice of 1/2 lemon or 3 drops lemon essential oil Combine ingredients and immediately rub mixture onto hands. Rinse with warm water and moisturize. Sugar abrasion is an excellent exfoliator. The apricot oil is a natural lubricant, and the lemon is a skin rejuvenator.
--Nuts About Me Foot Scrub 1/2 cup shelled walnuts 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon castor oil 1 teaspoon honey 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil In blender grind walnuts to coarse powder. Add olive oil, castor oil, honey, and essential oil to make a thick paste. Rub feet with paste vigorously. Rinse with warm water. For best results do this twice a week.
--Bright Shine Body Scrub Polish 2 cups coarse sea salt 1/4 cup apricot kernel oil 4 drops lavender essential oil Combine sea salt and oils in bowl to make a paste. Stand in bathtub - not under water - and spread mixture starting at the lower legs in smooth, upward circles on body. Use firm gentle consistent pressure . After entire body has been exfoliated and scrubbed, gently rinse and pat dry.
==============================================3. The "Heeling" Art That Heals Your Life==============================================
A great way to describe a foot reflexology session is that itfeels wonderful, invigorates and relaxes, renews and refreshes,clears the mind and balances the body, and instills a renewedsense of self.
That is my personal description. I have foot reflexologysessions twice a month as part of my Home Spa experiences (yes, Ifound a wonderful reflexologist that comes to my home forvisits!) and I feel that it is one of the best things that I dofor myself.
Foot reflexology, in my opinion, is one of the basics of home spaholistic self care. Whether you are doing it for beauty,maintaining wellness, or healing from disease, footreflexology should be incorporated into your self-care regime.
If you are a spa tech or professional, healing arts practitioner,bodyworker, massage therapist, or a holistic health careprofessional, this is one modality that you should have on yourmenu of services. To truly have a holistic approach to health,healing and beauty you should know how to access one's body,mind, and soul, through their feet.
Laura Norman, author of "Feet First: A Guide to Reflexology", isone of the nation's foremost authorities on Reflexology. Laurais joining our Home Spa Lady community this Thursday night for aTeleseminar on Reflexology, and here are some of the questions Ihave for her:
--What is reflexology?--What stories can the feet tell?--What are the benefits of reflexology?--Is it painful?--How is foot reflexology different from hand reflexology?--What can a client expect in a session?--What does a practitioner look for in a session?--Does reflexology work with emotional problems?--How is it different from massage?--How does it connect to medical and holistic models of therapy?--How much does it cost?--Can anyone benefit from it?--How can you learn it?--Can someone have a full time profession as a reflexologist?--Is there a educational program that has a full certification?--How long is the course?--How much does it cost?--How do you get to be the foot reflexologists of Hollywood starsas you are?
and, you get to ask questions too!
Please join me this Thursday evening April 6th, at 8 PM EST (7 PMCST, 6 PM MST, 5 PM PST) as Laura shares her knowledge, wisdom,experience, and stories that feet have told her.
If you can't make the call but are still interested in theinformation, register anyway because you will automatically geta recorded CD of the call mail directly to your home.
For more information and to register:http://tinyurl.com/pcdw2
=================================4. Doctors Make House Calls Again=================================
It would be nice to think doctors are making house calls againbecause of their collective desire to help the feeble andhousebound. The reality is that it strictly has to do withmoney.
House calls by physicians are helping to cut down on EmergencyRoom visits, and Medicare has a three year pilot program thatpays for 15,000 chronically ill patients to receive house callsin Texas, Florida, and California.
I believe this the beginning of a trend to receive medicalcare in your home. There are so many technological things thatcan be done now including x-ray services coming to your house.
This is part of Home Spa Lady's vision - to be able to accesscare in our home, even from a physician. Using the Tips foundhere in Home Spa Lady, you may prevent the need of a doctorvisit, whether in your home or at the ER.
Our Home Spa lifestyle is not just about fluff. Its aboutprinciples and practices implemented to keep you well.
Stay tuned! There's lots more to come!
======================================================5. Freeze the Sneeze: Attack Pollen From Your Pocket======================================================
The plant world is busy and beautiful now as signs of springappear here on the east coast. Traveling pollen is an importantpart of this proliferation and is often an irritant to humans.
This pollen often finds its way into our respiratory tracts andis recognized by some people's bodies as a foreign invader. Thebody then acts accordingly by stimulating the immune response,and inflammation and mucous secretion always follow. For furtherinfo refer to the following scientific article:http://www.jci.org/cgi/content/full/115/8/2067
The airborne operation of pollen is something that can't beavoided short of wearing a mask over the nose and mouth whenoutside, or staying indoors all the time.
Oxidative stress is a physical stress that results ininflammation. This type of stress is damage from free radicalsthat can be neutralized by antioxidants.
In recent Young Living educational programs we have learnedhow to help the body deal with oxidative stress usinganti-oxidants. Young Living's juice, Ningxia Red, has the highestantioxidant reading according to the ORAC scale. This scale, thestandard in the industry, was developed by theUSDA at Tufts University. The Ningxia Red juice does not containthe less expensive "filler" juices, such as apple, grape, andpear. Instead it has wolfberry (from the Ningxia region inChina), pomegranate, blueberry, raspberry, apricot nectar, andthe essential oils orange and lemon.
Essential oils are another way to deal with pollen problems.The Young Living essential oil blend RC is a great blend forthis. RC stands for Respiratory Congestion and contains fourdifferent eucalyptus', myrtle, marjoram, lavender, andpeppermint. You can drops several drops onto your hands and cupyour hands for an inhalation. You can also apply some on yourneck, chest, or respiratory reflex points of your feet. This canhelp reduce the adverse effects of pollen.
So what is our pocket arsenal to attack pollen? Have your bottleof RC handy for application several times a day throughout Alsohave your one ounce packets of Ningxia Red juice so you can takeone or two ounces daily.
To learn more or to order any of these products go to:.http://tinyurl.com/aenfp
===================================6. HSL's Joke, or Cute Quote, of the Week===================================Literal Lucy's Diet Story
Literal Lucy is terribly overweight, so her doctor puts her on adiet. "I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day,and repeat this procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you,you'll have lost at least five pounds."
When Literal Lucy returns, she's lost nearly 20 pounds. "Why,that's amazing!" the doctor says."Did you follow my instructions?"
Lucy nods. " I'll tell you, though, I thought I was going to dropdead that third day."
"From hunger, you mean?" asked the doctor."No, from skipping."
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
April 6: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Foot Reflexology with Laura Norman, leadingauthority on ReflexologyDetails and registration at: http://tinyurl.com/pcdw2
April 20: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Common Sense Medicine with Robert Nash MD, authorof "Common Sense Medicine" Leader in the Field of AlternativeMedicine, Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine, Heavy MetalDetoxification - Stay tuned for details on how to register!
June 9: St. Paul, MN
American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic MedicalAssociation Joint Conference
"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice"http://www.ahna.org/events/2006.html
June 24/25: Marlton, NJ
Healing Touch Level 2Contact Marilee for further information 856-857-1799

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=======================================================Marilee Tolen RNa.k.a. Home Spa Ladymarilee777@aol.comPhone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)